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First shave with Rooney 1/1 Super

Ok so after doing a lot of research and asking you guys tons of questions I decided to go with Rooney 1/1 in Super. I got the little buddy earlier today after I placed the order on Wednesday night. I got it from Fendrihan and Alfred is pleasure to deal with, his service was superb. And now to the brush... This little brush is exactly what I was looking for, small, soft and nice backbone.
I found it very easy to handle and it has great soaps and creams abilities.
This brush just screams quality, I was hooked on Duke 1 but then a friend of mine told me his Rooney 1/1 does a much better job for face lathering and this was enough for me to make a decision to go with the 1/1, since he showed me that Simpson actually wants you to paint your face while I found the 1/1 to be very effective with soap and I really like to build my lather while scrubbing my face.

+ 1 on Rooney 1/1 in Super
I have a 2/1 and love it. used to have a 3/1 and loved that. i'm sure i would love the 1/1 as well. you can't go wrong with the small rooney supers. best value out there IMO.
i have a rooney 3/1 and wouldn't trade it for anything and long to use it when it is in rotation with my other brushes i hope to get some more rooneys sometime in the future but for now the one i have is nothing short of excelent
I got a 1/1--revelatory!--and then pretty quickly decided to also get a 2/1 in Super (maybe my favorite all-purpose brush ever). Now I am thinking I would like a 1/2 in Super. I would like a bigger version, and I can always relegate the 1/1 to travel duty since I know it fits in those little chromium tubes in vintage shaving kits.
I find the 1/1 to be great with creams, I get enough lather for 4-5 passes, with soaps I still need to figure things out, I get great lather for the first pass and than the for the second it's too thin... I probably need to load more soap and maybe a little less water. Mind you I had only 3 shaves with the brush so it's still in the break in period.
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^^That sounds huge though! YMDV (Does as opposed to May)
I'm getting a 1/1 with ebony handle for my birthday. The Super Silvertip hair grade...Only eleven more days...wait, it's midnight now, so 10 more days!
I too love my rooney 1/1. My favourite brush. So I got a 2/1.
You got to ask yourself one question: :2guns: why do people who get one rooney start to collect them:biggrin:
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