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First shave with a Feather Blade...

After going through a sampler pack with 10 different blades, twice around, and trying a few different razors in the process, I've come to a conclusions....1:feathers are THE sharpest I've tried, 2:BEST shave I've had to date :thumbup: HOLY SH!%. I know most here know all this info already and some don't agree...but just had to put my 2 cents in. That is all
After going through a sampler pack with 10 different blades, twice around, and trying a few different razors in the process, I've come to a conclusions....1:feathers are THE sharpest I've tried, 2:BEST shave I've had to date :thumbup: HOLY SH!%. I know most here know all this info already and some don't agree...but just had to put my 2 cents in. That is all

Well done! :thumbup1:
Congrats on getting a great shave. At the end of the day, it is not the tools that matter, but the results.
Had my first shave with a Feather the other day too. No nicks, no cuts, no errors. I've used it one time since, and still no problems. I think I like the Iridium blades better though.
I have been using Feathers for a couple months now. I was running low, so I went back to a Derby in my Progress, and one of the cheapo blades from Wallmart (no branding so I cant remember the name) in my slant. They feel like shaving with toys now. I'm still getting solid shaves, but there are times when screw up and gasp, knowing I cut myself. However, there is no blood because I'm not using a Feather. It is amusing how forgiving other blades feel after getting used to a wicked ninja assassin sharp blades.
I am both excited and trepid about my eventual first shave with a Feather. They seem to be simultaneous one of the most recommended and yet least forgiving blades out there.
I am both excited and trepid about my eventual first shave with a Feather. They seem to be simultaneous one of the most recommended and yet least forgiving blades out there.

Just remember to go SLOW and avoid using any pressure your first time. Its a great blade and at worst will only give you a nick or two if your not carfull, you will heal :tongue_sm My first couple times I only did one WTG and on XTG and I was just fine save for some weeper.
Just remember to go SLOW and avoid using any pressure your first time. Its a great blade and at worst will only give you a nick or two if your not carfull, you will heal :tongue_sm My first couple times I only did one WTG and on XTG and I was just fine save for some weeper.

X2. Just keep the pressure off and the Feather is probably the best there is.
Watch it around the nose and the ears, I sometimes get little accidental nicks with the Feather by not paying attention. Otherwise, a fantastic blade.
Watch it around the nose and the ears, I sometimes get little accidental nicks with the Feather by not paying attention. Otherwise, a fantastic blade.

Another place to be careful is on the upper edge of the lip, the place called Cupid's Bow. When I was new with the DE, that was one place that I frequently cut myself. Even now, I occasionally get a little too close there.
Just remember to go SLOW and avoid using any pressure your first time. Its a great blade and at worst will only give you a nick or two if your not carfull, you will heal :tongue_sm My first couple times I only did one WTG and on XTG and I was just fine save for some weeper.

x3 As long as you're careful the first time out, you should be fine. Once you're used to them, you'll be able to cruise :cool1: I've tried a few good blades, but I like Feathers the best. I get great shaves and, for me at least, they aren't the fear-inducing Samurai swords I was afraid they would be. Don't get me wrong, they are SHARP, but you probably won't take your nose off!
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Glad you found what worked for you! Feathers will expose the slightest flaws in your technique, and will give you an opportunity to really refine it. Even if you get a nick or two, keep at it, the quality of your shaves will improve dramatically.
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