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First Shave - Gillette Aristocrat

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I loaded up a new Gillette blade and did a 3 pass shave just about midnight last night. Here it is 4PM eastern and I don't yet need to shave, I'm still at SAS status.
Darlin' where have you been all my life?:001_wub:
Aristocrat is a nice shaving razor. Every time I break mine out I am amazed at how well it shaves
What's the difference between the Aristocrat and the Aristocrat Junior? Just had my first shave with a Junior this morning and I'm also impressed, it's my first vintage razor shave and it seems better than the weber or the att m1.
I just had a very nice shave with my '40s notched Aristocrat.

IIRC, the Aristo Jr. had a different handle.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I recently acquired an Aristocrat from about my birth year, 1948. I'm planning to use it on my birthday this year. Silly sentimentality I am sure but something I am anticipating all the same.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I recently acquired an Aristocrat from about my birth year, 1948. I'm planning to use it on my birthday this year. Silly sentimentality I am sure but something I am anticipating all the same.
Hi and not silly at all. Many seek out "birth year" Gillettes. Got mine-'47 Crat( also have a '48 & '36). Enjoy!
Sweet razors. If you ever get the chnce to try an OC aristocrat go for it. Super smooth, effortless etc, etc, etc.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I recently acquired an Aristocrat from about my birth year, 1948. I'm planning to use it on my birthday this year. Silly sentimentality I am sure but something I am anticipating all the same.

That's not silly at all. That's pretty cool, actually.
Yes I have to agree. The US Aristocrats are awesome shavers. Since you like your aristocrat already, you will be amazed if you shave with a 30's OC Aristocrat. I totally agree with the previous poster that said that. Congrats on the score, and Happy Shaving sir!
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