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First SE shave

I finally got around to inaugurating my bullet tip. I was a little hesitant after reading some posts on how aggressive the SEs are in general but figured as long as I took it easy and slow things would be fine. And in fact, things went great until I got a little cocky at the end of the shave and took a somewhat careless cleanup swipe under my chin and was rewarded with a couple of weepers. This razor shaves very close and I could have gotten by with one pass, but I went all the way with a 2 pass and some touchup for full BBS. The only real problem I had was some unevenness from my not keeping the head of the razor flat from side to side. 18 hours out my regrowth is less than 12 hours out from a typical DE shave. Overall very enjoyable and I'm glad that I made the plunge.

Hey! CONGRATS on your first SE shave!!


(Now don't tell anybody else how great SE shaving is or razor prices will go through the roof like DE razors did!)
Awesome, My First SE Shave was amazing as well, it was the 1914 Ever Ready Model and i must say, The shave did last pretty long. Also when you are First starting out with a New Razor no matter what style it is, Try and Stay away from a 3 pass or a 2 pass if it contains an ATG Pass, at least for the First 10 Shaves, This way you get the hang of the Razor With out trying to do a harsh ATG Pass.

I do a Two Pass WTG and XTG and that is Enough to get me looking Sharp and Clean, I only do an ATG pass when i have some where special to attend like a Wedding or Graduation Etc.

Again Congrats :thumbup1:
Congrats on your first SE shave. I'm sure it won't be your last. The OCMM is a great razor if you're inclined to go a bit more aggressive.
Congrats on your first SE shave. I'm sure it won't be your last. The OCMM is a great razor if you're inclined to go a bit more aggressive.

From what I have read around here in deciding to use these tools and which one(s) to pick I have gotten the impression that the OCMM is the R41 of the SE world. Of course that makes me want to try one out but only after I have a lot more SE experience, so for now just keeping the antenna up in case one shows up.

OT but curious how you feel about the new War Eagle coaching staff William?
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Everyone who tries a SE is always pleasantly surprised.

Many even give up DE shaving altogether.
From what I have read around here in deciding to use these tools and which one(s) to pick I have gotten the impression that the OCMM is the R41 of the SE world. Of course that makes me want to try one out but only after I have a lot more SE experience, so for now just keeping the antenna up in case one shows up.

OT but curious how you feel about the new War Eagle coaching staff William?
I highly suggest you try an OCMM as soon as you can. It's a great razor!

(I am truly excited about the new coaching staff and believe they will have Auburn back on top very soon.)
... I have gotten the impression that the OCMM is the R41 of the SE world. ...

In my experience the R41 is significantly more aggressive. Also, bear in mind that some OCMMs are more aggressive than others. My silver one, for example, is a notch more aggressive than my gold one. This may be due to the fact that the razors aren't physically identical, as HoosierTrooper once pointed out to me. The silver one has two bumps at either end of the base plate; the gold one doesn't. In any event, don't be spooked by the OCMM's rep; it's aggressive enough, but very manageable. My gold one actually feels mild compared to the (2011) R41.



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Interesting. I wonder if the bumps act kind of like the shims that I hear of being put into DEs to make them more aggressive?

beautiful razors, BTW
Interesting. I wonder if the bumps act kind of like the shims that I hear of being put into DEs to make them more aggressive?

Could be, not sure. The lay of the blade looks identical in both razors, including the gap between the blade and the base plate, which a shim would make wider. Maybe Tom can elucidate.

beautiful razors, BTW

Thanks! And a pleasure to use.
Hey tm3-- congrats on your first SE shave. I followed you (and you were kind enough to post on my thread). My first shave(s)-- have now done 2-- on my Damaskeene were fantastic. Gotta try a Micromatic now.... then an OCMM... then... well, pretty soon I'll be shaving with a straight, and then a sharpened stone ax, and, well... ultimately I guess I'll just have to scrape the hair off my face with my fingernails. Seriously, the 'regression' to an old SE has really been great through 2 shaves. These are terrific razors.
Hey tm3-- congrats on your first SE shave. I followed you (and you were kind enough to post on my thread). My first shave(s)-- have now done 2-- on my Damaskeene were fantastic. Gotta try a Micromatic now.... then an OCMM... then... well, pretty soon I'll be shaving with a straight, and then a sharpened stone ax, and, well... ultimately I guess I'll just have to scrape the hair off my face with my fingernails. Seriously, the 'regression' to an old SE has really been great through 2 shaves. These are terrific razors.

Thanks! All of these enablers here have me thinking about the OCMM also. Maybe I keep going up the scale until I get bloody, then back off?
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