Got this razor from an importer who had this last razor. It says Muhle on the box, Solingen on the blade and small stamp of Muhle symbol on the blade as well. I wouldn't be surprised to learn it's made by another company, possibly Dovo?. It's stainless with nice scales that look like sea shell.
I stropped it a few times and after a lather, hot towel and another lather, tried to shave. The blade just didn't care to do anything, even WTG. I managed a little but it obviously needed much more care so I finished the shave with my DE and stropped it on the canvas side until I was tired. Every hour or so, I took it from its box and stropped it on the leather side, inspected by flashlight and it did improve. Finally it passed my chest hair cut. Tomorrow I'll give it another try and see how it goes and by that time I'll probably strop some more.
If it will act up tomorrow, I guess I'll have to get into honing
I stropped it a few times and after a lather, hot towel and another lather, tried to shave. The blade just didn't care to do anything, even WTG. I managed a little but it obviously needed much more care so I finished the shave with my DE and stropped it on the canvas side until I was tired. Every hour or so, I took it from its box and stropped it on the leather side, inspected by flashlight and it did improve. Finally it passed my chest hair cut. Tomorrow I'll give it another try and see how it goes and by that time I'll probably strop some more.
If it will act up tomorrow, I guess I'll have to get into honing