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First run with my Futur

Oh my god. I can't believe what I have been missing. I was able to wacky down a four days growth in just two passes. I set her on one for the maiden voyage. There are a lot of people who don't have anything nice to say about this razor, and now I don't understand why. When I finished my shave I almost thought about listing all my Gillettes on the BST, ALMOST. If you are scared of this razor, don't be. Just treat her with respect, and she will be sure to please you. WOW! Not a nick, or any irritation.
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I had a hard time with my Futur at first. I couldn't get a good shave for whatever reason. Now I absolutely love it and it is my standard shaver set at 3-3.5. I'm still trying different blades, but Astra wins the top spot thus far.
I love mine. It was my first DE razor when I started a few months ago. Here's a quick tip: If you're having trouble getting a good grip on it (because it's heavy, and doesn't have much of a grip), find a pen that has some sort of rubber grip that you can slid off. Shimmy it on the futur, and viola, instant rubber grip.
They are great razors. I have two of them. One is my travel razor and the other stays on the counter. Only 2 razors have a permanent place on my counter and the Futur is one of them.
It's a FANTASTIC razor. It's going toe to toe with my Ej89 vying for first placee. I keep switching back and forth between the two. It's tough!
Awesome razor. My first and only (apart from my birth quarter Gillette - won't get used) razor. Have been thinking about getting an EJ89 too but the Futur does a superb job.
Been using mine exclusively since I got it for xmas. Started at 1; moved up to 2 in a couple of weeks; then to 3 in about a month. Now I'm at about 3.5. Might try 4, but I think that's about it for me. No need to go higher.
I used to have one of these and ended up selling it. I'm not exactly sure why - I think I was trying to push the aggressiveness and got sick of it. A Futur set at 1 or 1.5 with a 7 O'Clock Yellow gets to near-BBS in two WTG passes. Truly a great razor - I may have to get another one someday.
My first razor and still one of my go-tos. Some hate it, some love it, all for various reasons. I say , do what works and stick with it. It's a great razor if you can get it to work for you, and if not, there is so much more variety. There is no reason why you can't take up and/or stick to DE shaving with so many options.
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