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first REAL straight razor shave

I grabbed my first real straight razor from a friend of mine. Its an H. Boker USS St. Louis commemorative. Its supposed to be from the 1930's, not sure. Its been honed but its been unused for a while. I was able to shave with it but it wasnst perfect. Even with the roughness the difference between my Parker and the Boker is night and day. If I can avoid it I wont be using the Parker much anymore. Ill save it for travel or for when the Boker is out to the meister. Ive tried to google it, how do I find a honemeister in eastern NC?
Sounds like a successful start to straight razor shaving. The condition of the Boker sounds like it needs a touch-up. Technique is a little different than with the Shavette also - learning is half the fun!
Well its sharp. It will mow the hair on my hand with no resistance and even when just passed through the tops it will cut hair rather than push it. But i can tell it needs a good strop. I dont have one yet. Was hoping to find someone close who can shape it up for me. I find the Boker to be ..... Easier.... i guess. The shave feels way more secure. The parker always seems on the verge of nicking me. I KNOW the Boker can and will its just different. Anyway. Im pleased. Im only using my cart razor to clean up now. Im slowly picking up technique with my chin and upper lip. Slow and easy, deliberate strokes....
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The Boker will be more forgiving than the Parker shavette.
Have a look at the straight forums too.
Lots of info and maybe somebody might be able to point you in the right direction of a honer.
I tried again with the Boker, it needs help. I tried various angles and strokes and it still just didnt want to shave perfect. I grabbed my Parker and decided to re-evaluate my technique. I used a much lighter stroke and focused on the pressure the whole time. I had a much more pleasant shave than before. Aside from my chin which always takes more attention than the flatter areas, the irritation levels are way down. Gonna have it the Boker worked over real soon. Cant wait to shave with it while its perfect. I hope Im not violating any rules, but Im looking for a strop. If you have any leads, feel free to give me a holler.
I tried again with the Boker, it needs help. I tried various angles and strokes and it still just didnt want to shave perfect. I grabbed my Parker and decided to re-evaluate my technique. I used a much lighter stroke and focused on the pressure the whole time. I had a much more pleasant shave than before. Aside from my chin which always takes more attention than the flatter areas, the irritation levels are way down. Gonna have it the Boker worked over real soon. Cant wait to shave with it while its perfect. I hope Im not violating any rules, but Im looking for a strop. If you have any leads, feel free to give me a holler.

If you take a look at the "Members Services" section in the biggest of the straight razor sites:


you'll find a bunch of people who are good honers. You'll probably find somebody reasonably close.

For strops:


straightrazordesigns.com (at a higher price point)

whippeddog.com (the Poor Man's Strop Kit is a good starter setup)

Have fund . . .

You could always try to find an older barber: he could set your razor, and probably sell you one of his strops
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