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First proper thread about Feathers

To commemorate the Safety Razor Blade sub-forum, I'd like to publicly state my total awe over the smoothness of my first Feather shave, and my utter dismay that this could unfortunately be "the" blade for me. Wish "the" blade could've been a cheaper one.

After the first two strokes, I noticed not so much how sharp the blade was, but how dull the memory of my Astras and Crystals felt by comparison. Half way through the first pass I thought to myself "this is far, far too easy." Got through the blissful shave in less time, with less irritation, and with a silly "they told me so" grin on my face.We'll see how I feel in the morning, but as of right now (four hours after the shave) I feel incredibly smooth, and with far, far less irritation than other blades. Now, who sells them the cheapest by the hundred... or thousand... :rolleyes:
My very first DE shave was with a Feather. Bought 100 the next day. Since then I have been PIF'ed other blades and bought others...but cannot bring myself to try them.

Feathers rule in my razors.

Check out PaulDog down in Shopping....0.25c each. That is where I am going after I get through my stock.
Yeah, I'm a big fan of Feathers both personally and professionally. I use a nice little Japanese style RG I got from Telly for shaving clients and, of course, DE's for myself.

I believe that good shaving, fine shaving, is about smoothly slicing whiskers off at skin level. There isn't any other currently available blade that does that for me. (A caveat here, I haven't tried the Yellow Pack Gillette 7 O'clock blades yet.)

As I've said elsewhere, the "Fear The Feather" thing is way overblown. Nothing gives a better appraisal of technique than a sharp blade. That sharp blade, used with skill, always gives a great shave. Used improperly, well, you know...


I'd like to publicly state my total awe over the smoothness of my first Feather shave, and my utter dismay that this could unfortunately be "the" blade for me.

I feel incredibly smooth, and with far, far less irritation than other blades. :rolleyes:

I share your awe of the Feather, but I have found that regular use (as you would indulge in once you buy a 100 or 1000) can rough up your face pretty badly over time.

It will never feel irritated, but the mirror will reveal red splotches all over the face.

At least that is how it went for me
It will never feel irritated, but the mirror will reveal red splotches all over the face.

Yeah, I went through a stage like that as well, Vikram. It was very frustrating. As you said, no irritation but redness nonetheless. As my technique improved and I started to pay more attention to looking after my skin it went away.

I think my mistake was using just a bit of pressure on my ATG pass. Developing the lightest touch possible while still getting the job done and finding a skin care regimen that worked took a little time but it really paid off for me.


I've been shaving with Israeli Personnas. And I really like the cost vs. quality of shave of the IPs. I just bought a pack of Feathers to see what the hype is all about. I'll report in a few days.
Feathers are amazingly sharp, but not quite the ultimate blade IMO. I found that when I occasionally switched from Feathers to Swedes, I far preferred the Swedes. Unfortunately it wasn't nearly as straightforward to get them so I went for the Feathers but have recently switched to Astras, as for me sharpness is secondary to smoothness. Still need to try the Yellow 7s tho- keep meaning to.
I share your awe of the Feather, but I have found that regular use (as you would indulge in once you buy a 100 or 1000) can rough up your face pretty badly over time.

It will never feel irritated, but the mirror will reveal red splotches all over the face.

At least that is how it went for me

I haven't experienced this at all. I've gone weeks on end using only Feathers with no ill effects. As we say YMMV.
I've been a pretty staunch critic of the Feathers before, because they've just been too painful. They used to scratch up my face pretty badly, and didn't even really get all my stubble that well. I tried them in both my 22R and my Slim, with equally poor results in both. This morning, I gave one a shot in my NEW at three days growth, and boy howdy, I think I get it now. Almost as good as my BiCs... I humbly apologize to the reputation of the Feather for all my public complaining. It just needs the right razor to work right.
I share your awe of the Feather, but I have found that regular use (as you would indulge in once you buy a 100 or 1000) can rough up your face pretty badly over time.

It will never feel irritated, but the mirror will reveal red splotches all over the face.

I'd compare one aspect of using a straight to using a feather, you should never be in a huge rush!
When I open a new container of blades I make myself use them all. This means up to 30 days with the same type blade. (exception is my IP blades which come in a box of 100). Anyway, no problems here with "red blotch". Just remember you using a feather. :thumbup::a47:
To commemorate the Safety Razor Blade sub-forum, I'd like to publicly state my total awe over the smoothness of my first Feather shave, and my utter dismay that this could unfortunately be "the" blade for me. Wish "the" blade could've been a cheaper one.
There is certainly no other current production blade that is as sharp. I have tried every blade under the sun (with the exception of Lords) and no blade is sharper. Swedes are a touch smoother, but not by much.

This morning, I gave one a shot in my NEW at three days growth, and boy howdy, I think I get it now. Almost as good as my BiCs... I humbly apologize to the reputation of the Feather for all my public complaining. It just needs the right razor to work right.
And therin lies the key; finding the right razor to go with the blade. I hated the Feather in a Merkur, but it shaves extremely well in a Schick Krona, Slim Adjustable, and Rocket. But I think that is true of any blade. I could shave with Feathers for days with no irritation.

As for who has them cheaply: Paudlog sells them on B&B and his price is not to be beat.
What more can i add but another endorsement for feathers. I believe i tried all the major names out there as far as blades and the feathers just go thru my briar patch of a beard so much easier:smile:

I believe they are what kept me from slipping back to my old fusion...It was nip and tuck for awhile but the feathers saved me from paying $$$$$$$$ for those fusion blades.....:smile:
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