Well, thanks to dklaiman I have use of a Feather AC Kamisori for a few weeks. Rather than take my first shot tomorrow morning when I'm foggy and rushed I thought I would give it a try this evening on 1 1/2 days growth. Now, typically I shower before I shave but I did some towel and pre-shave prep this time. I seem to battle "dry whiskers" so the shower is really key for me, and this instance was no different. But, it definitely could have been worse in the prep dept.
Anyway, all in all I have to say that my first kamisori shave went better, in fact MUCH better, than my first DE shave. The amount of nicks and weepers may have been equal between the two but the kamisori shave was/is much closer than my first DE shave. One thing I definitely need to be conscious of is my hand position and angle of attack both in terms of blade on face and blade movement across the face and into the whiskers. I tried to do a "dry run" before I put the blade in just to get a sense of how the blade would sit on my face and how I would move it. I think I will do a bit more of that.
Here are a few of the details/particulars:
Pre-shave prep = hot towels and Proraso red tube
Wiped off the excess of the Proraso from the prep and re-applied another layer
Razor: Feather Kamisori
Blade: Feather Pro Guard
Brush: Simpson 'Grosvenor' badger/boar blend
Soap: Proraso Red Tub
2 Passes 1 WTG, 1 XTG (and I must say that under my chin, which is VERY coarse and multi-direction came out very smooth, much smoother, in fact, than equivalent effort with my DE. The moustache/goatee area was a bit difficult.)
Post: Witch Hazel and GFT Sandalwood Skin Food.
Not gonna lie, got some burn. But, overall, I'm encouraged and pleased. Since I shaved this evening my next go will be Saturday morning. I'll take tomorrow to make a few "dry runs" to prepare for a better effort on Saturday.
Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions are always most welcome.
Anyway, all in all I have to say that my first kamisori shave went better, in fact MUCH better, than my first DE shave. The amount of nicks and weepers may have been equal between the two but the kamisori shave was/is much closer than my first DE shave. One thing I definitely need to be conscious of is my hand position and angle of attack both in terms of blade on face and blade movement across the face and into the whiskers. I tried to do a "dry run" before I put the blade in just to get a sense of how the blade would sit on my face and how I would move it. I think I will do a bit more of that.
Here are a few of the details/particulars:
Pre-shave prep = hot towels and Proraso red tube
Wiped off the excess of the Proraso from the prep and re-applied another layer
Razor: Feather Kamisori
Blade: Feather Pro Guard
Brush: Simpson 'Grosvenor' badger/boar blend
Soap: Proraso Red Tub
2 Passes 1 WTG, 1 XTG (and I must say that under my chin, which is VERY coarse and multi-direction came out very smooth, much smoother, in fact, than equivalent effort with my DE. The moustache/goatee area was a bit difficult.)
Post: Witch Hazel and GFT Sandalwood Skin Food.
Not gonna lie, got some burn. But, overall, I'm encouraged and pleased. Since I shaved this evening my next go will be Saturday morning. I'll take tomorrow to make a few "dry runs" to prepare for a better effort on Saturday.
Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions are always most welcome.