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First kamisori shave

So I got my first kamisori from a member here...a pre-owned one with unreadable kanji at a fair price. He was kind enough to touch it up before shipping so I wouldn't have to deal with that.
Luckily, when it arrived, I had about 3-4 days worth of whiskers going on so i'd put it to the test.
After a hot shower, I grabbed my Palmolive shaving stick & lathered up. After reading the stories about how sharp they were & how easy it'd be for one to cut their self, and knowing how clumsy I was, I was concerned. While my form may have not been correct, I got an excellent shave after two passes & a couple of touch-ups on a trouble spot or two.
Now i'm hooked. For me, I find it was easier to handle & just felt "normal" for me to use. I definitely want to get another, so I looked on the kamisori thread & went to all the sites listed on the links. If anyone has other suggestions (other than eBay), i'd like to know.
I think everyone should try one of these!
I recently had my first Kamisori shave as well. Larry "lmarkow" was nice enough to lend his Azuma to me, and I must say that it was a very nice shave! I did experience a little pulling in spots, but I attribute that to my technique (or lack thereof!) as opposed to the blade itself. All in all it was a very fun experience. I can definitely see how people get hooked on these things!!
If anyone here can translate & give me their opinion, I found one, but I know nothing of kanji.



B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Not sure of the kanji, but is that the one you have or the one you are going to buy?
Congratulations on surviving! Somebody (it may have been my dad, who's heard all about my kamisori) said that 'kamisori' is Japanese for 'bloodletting.'

I, too, think that everybody should try one. For the past year, my kamisori has been my sole razor. Mmm...kamisori shave...
I too had my first shave with Kamisori recently. The previous owner honed it up perfect and the shave was very nice although some angles were a little hard to figure out. Ill keep at it and probably end up getting a bigger one at one point since it feels kind of small. Even though it is smaller than what I'm used to, it shaves like a much bigger razor and can hang with my choppers when it comes to a few days growth. BTW I kept it traditional for most of the shave only using the other side of the blade once of twice when I couldnt get a good angle.
Not sure of the kanji, but is that the one you have or the one you are going to buy?

That's the one i'm thinking of buying. The one I bought from the member here has been shown to several people who can't read it because the stamping's too deep so i'll not bother taking a pic to show.

Did you do it the traditional way of just keeping one side of the razor on your face the whole time?

Or the other traditional way where you use both sides?

Yeah. :)
Or the other traditional way where you use both sides?

My apologies for not being clearer, Sir. I meant the traditional way that an old Japanese barber (who shaved customers with them for half a century) told me is the correct way. I didn't want to offend anyone by saying the correct way so I said the traditional way. Should i have worded it differently?
I never suggested they didn't (although I had never heard until now that they did). Which is why I clarified to say that it was what an old Japanese barber told me.
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
That's the one i'm thinking of buying. The one I bought from the member here has been shown to several people who can't read it because the stamping's too deep so i'll not bother taking a pic to show.

Yeah. :)

Make sure you get a pic of the other side too before you buy :)
Did you do it the traditional way of just keeping one side of the razor on your face the whole time?

Unfortunately, it was my first time so I threw tradition out the window & tried to get a good shave without losing any of my facial features. :)
Of course on of the moles on my chin is now only half as big as it was before. :)

Make sure you get a pic of the other side too before you buy :)

As you requested. :)

Unfortunately, it was my first time so I threw tradition out the window & tried to get a good shave without losing any of my facial features. :)
Of course on of the moles on my chin is now only half as big as it was before. :)

It's great that you were able to give it a try though! I picked up a Henkotsu (I think that's the name) a couple of years ago but didn't have any idea on honing it up so it's still sitting in a box after my poor honing attempts! Some day I'll get it up and running!
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