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First JNAT edge

I experienced my first shave with a JNAT edge this morning. I must say that it is by far the smoothest shave I have had yet. Doc226 was kind enough to put an edge on a couple of my razors. I am not sure if it is his skill or the stones but I have gotten razors as sharp (HHT 4) with films but none have seemed to glide during a shave like this. Not to say a great shave can't be had from films but I really feel this is a step up. That being said, I personally will not likely be buying a set of Japanese stones. I could not justify the cost and would rather work on perfecting my coti edges. Maybe there is some mojo involved after all.
That's Mojo baby. I agree about the film edges, sharp but lack the smoothness.

JNAT the best of both worlds. Sharp AND Smooth.
I have had the privilege of sampling several of Doc's edges (benefit of living in the Mojo State I guess). Superb IMO. The man is a gifted mojo artist.
So the progression is in slurry stones all on the same main stone? I was just under to assumption that There was like a 12 stone progression like sharpening a katana.
All that is really needed is one nagura-Tomo. Once you max out the edge on what ever stone you are using prior to going to the JNAT raise the slurry on the JNAT with the Tomo and hone. You may need to refresh the slurry once or twice but you will get there. The edge you get will be almost the same as one with a full nagura progression. IMO the edge after a full progression is a little smoother, but now we are splitting hairs-LOL
So the progression is in slurry stones all on the same main stone? I was just under to assumption that There was like a 12 stone progression like sharpening a katana.
depends on the set up
For example I mainly use synthetics to 10k, then mejiro nagura ans tomonagura
I also have a set up that uses 1k synthetic, then Hakka, then Shobudani with Mejiro nagura, then finish on Ozuko with tomonagura.
I also have a full natural set up: Red "Aoto" or Aizu, Hakka, Shobudani with Mejiro, Ozuko + tomonagura.
Finally I can also go 1k synth, Hakka, razor size Botan/ Tenjio/ Mejiro, Ozuko + tomonagura

As you can see there is many options but one does not have to have all those stones to experience a good Jnat edge.
Probably optimal set up is 1k 4/8k (any stones in the range) then Mejiro/Tomonagura + a nice Jnat finisher.
To add, there's no reason (if you're trying to keep costs down) that you can't just use an affordable jnat as the last step after a coti, film, etc. with something as simple as toma or even a worn extra fine diamond plate. I've been using a credit card sized DMT and making slurry from base stone lately and have had great (and simple) results.
To add, there's no reason (if you're trying to keep costs down) that you can't just use an affordable jnat as the last step after a coti, film, etc. with something as simple as toma or even a worn extra fine diamond plate. I've been using a credit card sized DMT and making slurry from base stone lately and have had great (and simple) results.

David, I tend to agree with you. I have been trying to simplfy the honing of razors and have come up with what I call the Ax Method. It is almost too simple although it does not take the fun out of hoining.
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David, I tend to agree with you. I have been trying to simplfy the honing of razors and have come up with what I call the Ax Method. It is almost too simple although it does not take the fun out of hoining.

lol, I'm only simplifying it because you taught me how to. :biggrin1:
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