Well, it essentially took me all day, but I finally have an edge I'd think about shaving with. Of course I was practicing on one of my restoration pieces, so it has no scales, but I'll probably shave my cheeks with it WTG tomorrow to see how she does.
About 2 hours in, it slipped out of my hand an hit a corner of my stone edge first. After wincing, and holding it for about 15 seconds, I looked closely. Only to find that there had indeed been a micro chip. Also, there were two other micro chips that had to have been there before I started, meaning I went through my Botan and Tenjou without even looking at my blade. So instead of going back to the botan, I went to the 1k king stone, and spent some time getting those chips out (SUCCESSFULLY!) and then went back to my stone, back at the botan. It shaved arm hair, moistened (but not dry) if I took my time with it after the 1k, shaved my arm hair easily moistened after the botan, and shaved my army hair dry, easily, after the koma. After the Tomo, I still can't get it to do HHT but if I hover it over my arm, I can get a few hair to slice. Still no -pop- like I've heard other people describe, but I'm shaving with blades that wont shave arm hair dry, so this will be an improvement either way. I'm very excited.
Thank you guys for your help, and to Doc226 for his videos. Though, doc, a video on how to properly raise a slurry wouldn't go amiss. Had a hell of a time with that.
About 2 hours in, it slipped out of my hand an hit a corner of my stone edge first. After wincing, and holding it for about 15 seconds, I looked closely. Only to find that there had indeed been a micro chip. Also, there were two other micro chips that had to have been there before I started, meaning I went through my Botan and Tenjou without even looking at my blade. So instead of going back to the botan, I went to the 1k king stone, and spent some time getting those chips out (SUCCESSFULLY!) and then went back to my stone, back at the botan. It shaved arm hair, moistened (but not dry) if I took my time with it after the 1k, shaved my arm hair easily moistened after the botan, and shaved my army hair dry, easily, after the koma. After the Tomo, I still can't get it to do HHT but if I hover it over my arm, I can get a few hair to slice. Still no -pop- like I've heard other people describe, but I'm shaving with blades that wont shave arm hair dry, so this will be an improvement either way. I'm very excited.
Thank you guys for your help, and to Doc226 for his videos. Though, doc, a video on how to properly raise a slurry wouldn't go amiss. Had a hell of a time with that.