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First hone with a Jnat: Mixed results

Well, it essentially took me all day, but I finally have an edge I'd think about shaving with. Of course I was practicing on one of my restoration pieces, so it has no scales, but I'll probably shave my cheeks with it WTG tomorrow to see how she does.

About 2 hours in, it slipped out of my hand an hit a corner of my stone edge first. After wincing, and holding it for about 15 seconds, I looked closely. Only to find that there had indeed been a micro chip. Also, there were two other micro chips that had to have been there before I started, meaning I went through my Botan and Tenjou without even looking at my blade. So instead of going back to the botan, I went to the 1k king stone, and spent some time getting those chips out (SUCCESSFULLY!) and then went back to my stone, back at the botan. It shaved arm hair, moistened (but not dry) if I took my time with it after the 1k, shaved my arm hair easily moistened after the botan, and shaved my army hair dry, easily, after the koma. After the Tomo, I still can't get it to do HHT but if I hover it over my arm, I can get a few hair to slice. Still no -pop- like I've heard other people describe, but I'm shaving with blades that wont shave arm hair dry, so this will be an improvement either way. I'm very excited.

Thank you guys for your help, and to Doc226 for his videos. Though, doc, a video on how to properly raise a slurry wouldn't go amiss. Had a hell of a time with that.

He didn't go over much, and you can't really see anything as it's a Tomo slurry. I'd like to see what I should be doing with a Botan, as I can't seem to get a Botan slurry going at all. Tenjou I do fine, Koma I do alright, and Tomo, who knows. It's all the same color.
sorry, i thought it would have been useful..

are you using the face or where 2 faces meet? lots of pressure or little pressure…

my recent slurries all kind of looked the same, including the botan

here is mainaman's videos, hopefully he doesn't mind me embedding them here

honing with nagura 1

honing with nagura 2

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Botan can be a little harder to slurry sometimes. Depends on the Nagura - they're not all the same.
Can you post photos of this Botan - all sides?
Part of the story is how the Awasedo is finish lapped, a high polish will slurry the Nagura less to some degree.
If the Botan is hard to slurry - lap it a little bit with a 325 dmt or something, then soak it for 15 minutes in room-temp water.
I've soaked them for longer, but 15 min is a good start.
Congratulations, it's a start! Love to see that you have been persistent. Iirc you haven't honed a razor before so I'm guessing that pressure is possibly an issue. When I tested after the koma I was clipping the top of the hairs off but you'll get there eventually. Keep at it and listen to the guys here - I know nothing about jnats so it would be the blind leading the blind.
Well, I'm ready to call this one a success. I just gave it a crack for a partial shave. It's smoother and closer than my go-to shaver. Which means my go-to is next to be honed. I couldn't spend a whole lot of time with it, as it's in the middle of a restoration and still needs scales. Either way, I'm more confident in what I've done here. It might not have been pretty, and was certainly a lot of guess work, but I have something I can shave with.

I'll watch the videos today before I jump back into it with my razor.

Questions: Any suggestion to lap a Jnat fresh out of the box? I have a concern with the last razor not laying completely flat. Might have been the razor, but it was an issue on both sides, leading me to believe it might also be the stone.

Could my trouble raising a slurry be due to the size of the stone? It's long and narrow, and I'm watching a decent amount of slurry pour off the sides as I work. just because there's no room to work and keep water on top of the stone. Or am I just incompetent?
Just a thought, if it's a restoration peice I'd wait with the honing until it's done. Now you're probably not as dim as I am, but accidents can happen. I was working on a Bengal from about 1840 somethng. It was rusty and dirty and sharp as hell. After cutting myself getting the scales off, I decided to dull the blade to avoid further injuries during the retsore and ended up cracking the blade :-((
Paxad- how about some pics? It would be easier for people to suggest with a visual aid.

If slurry its falling off more than just a bit I wonder if it's practice or just a really thin stone. A bit of slurry falls off to the side, but only at first and I used a San sized awasedo.
Mine is San sized as well, so it must just be me. I plan on rehoning my workhorse tonight, so I'll post pictures with as thick a slurry as I Can get. Which Is closer to skim milk and not a lot of it. I keep adding water as the nagura begins to stick, but end up pushing half my.slurry off even when I'm careful, and essentially start over.

Also, I plan on dulling the blade again before I continue my restoration. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't about to ruin my only shaving blade. Now that I know my work, if nothing else, will not be detrimental, then I'll go ahead and work on my working razor.
How big is San? Mine are both about 20cm long by 5cm wide.

about the same.. that's pretty much the size

from JNS website of my purchase

"San" is new size that i will recommend for razor users !
They are very comfortable to hold in hand and they narrow size make them perfect for razor blades
Very nice for smiling edge razors

Size: 210mm 55mm 25mm

it's a pretty great size in my opinion. not too big, not too small. easier to handle and use than the typical thuris and cnats as a newbie..

so in inches for us metric impaired ~ 8.25 x 2.15

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The only thing absolute about nagura is that they are all absolutely different.

Before I start honing I put all the nagura I intend to use on a small damp towel. When they start to get shiny I do a small number of laps on a well worn DMT.

I don't soak them anymore after a striped Iyoto nagura I had turned to mush.
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