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First double-edged shave

Hello everyone, I want to thank everyone for all the help they been since I've been here. Well I finally got my brand-new/old Gillette flare tip that I bought on eBay, now I suppose that I better clean it first… Seeing as it's my first I'm going to just use a toothbrush and some liquid antibacterial soap. I honestly can't wait to try it out, now I hope that the Topaz blades I have worked well enough to give me a good shave… Here we go… Al Newman
Thanks to everybody for being so supportive, this is my first wet shave… I can't wait to see how it comes out… :)
Try putting it into some very hot water a with dish soap. Wait about 15 min and you will have a much easier clean. Scrubbing bubbles is also a very good product to use.
Good luck with the first shave. Flare tips are great razors . I'm not familiar with Topaz blades , but if they don't work well I recommend trying either a Feather or Gillette 7 O'clock yellow. For me real sharp blades work the best in any of the Super Speeds, of course as always YMMV
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