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first day with an injector

So I have razors from my maternal grandfather, and I use them in the rotation. My paternal grandfather swore by his injector, but it has been lost to history; so I bought one here. According to my dad it looks identical to his dad's.

I used it today for the first time; it took almost to the end of my shave to get used to the angle, but it got better as I did. Quite a bit different than my war hammer (merkur 38), but I like the weight and feedback. Felt a bit like shaving dry though, but I am not sure if that was a change in cream or not. I will use the cream on the next shave with the war hammer and have a better idea.

I will definitely use the injector again, as I always try stuff more than once to make sure I gave it a chance. Overall a decent shave, but I feel like I get a cleaner BBS with my normal DE.
As with everything, YMMV. But i get great shaves with all me SE & injector razors. I shaved everyday this past week with a Schick Type C and even on the seventh day with the same blade it was so smooth I wouldn't have known it was cutting if I couldn't hear it. The angle of the handle to face with the SEs & injectors is typically very different than with a DE. The good part, however, is the angle of blade to skin is very easy to understand. Unlike with almost every DE, the blade is not flexed. So when you look at the blade figure out how to hold the handle so that the blade is parallel to your skin. Now rotate the handle just a little bit to raise the spine a few degrees. This should get you close - you want the blade cutting hair not scraping skin. With a DE the designer has to flex the blade and make some compromises to make the razor symmetric with both edges. With SEs & injectors that's not the case and typically the razor head will ride your face as you shave.

Once you getvthe hang of it I think you'll like it, injectors are almost like cheating to me ;-)
well, I used the same set up today except for changing out the injector with the everyday war hammer. Back to my normal BBS shave. Its obvious that I need some more attention to detail on the blade angle, thats what I was finally getting toward the end of my shave. I am going to put it in the weekend shave rotation, and see where I get with using it.
Once you get the hang of the more shallow angle required, an injector will amaze you with how quick and easy shaving can be! It's like the best of both worlds: the closeness and challenge of a DE with the safety of a cart.:thumbup:
I have used my injector a few times now. It gets better and easier the more you use it, like anything. My first shave with it was a disaster. I got a very close shave, but I was whipping it around like a cart not realizing that pressure and angle were critical as well. It looked like a cart with a preset angle and I made the mistake of using it as such. Live and learn. I don't know if it is just me but there seems to be a learning curve to it as well, or I am injector challenged.
I found that I could almost follow the angle on the head itself. I am anxious to try it again and see how it gets better.
I found that I could almost follow the angle on the head itself.

Exactly. Because the SE & injector designer doesn't have to compromise the head design to make it symmetric and the rigid blade isn't flexed he can use the head to guide you to the proper angle. I'm betting your next shave is much, much better.
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