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First Attempt

So, after seeing everyone else posting their first try at making scales I became inspired and decided to give it a go myself.
I purchased a few Gold Dollars and some wood.
Here you go.....In Padauk wood



Looks like a got a small crack at the pin area :mad3:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That's a start! You could glue the scales where the crack is before you thighten the pivot or make new scales with a bit more wood around the pivot area. That would be my suggestion, but for a first try, very good!
Model shops sell 1.5 mm (or 1/16" or 16 swg - they are all about the same diam) malleable brass rod at about $1.50/ft. Good welding shops sell brazing rods (spelter rods) of that diam for about the same price. Some of the spelter rods tend to be a bit 'brittle' as purchased but can be annealed. I am currently looking at using a concave ended nail drift (punch) mounted in an electric drill to 'round up' the peened end of the pin. It sounds crude but jewellers use much the same technique to put domed ends on rivets, pins etc. Heaven help you if you slip off while attempting this! On the other hand you could do a fair amount of damage miss hitting the pin if peening it in the normal way.
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