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Second time attempting Wet shaving. Help me stick.


The Lather Maestro
1. Get a Schick Injector. Easier to learn than the DE, almost foolproof, but much better than cartridges. Use the blade for at least a week, easy.

2. Use an easy cream to lather, with a good synthetic brush. Suggest Proraso Red or Green, Taylor of Old Bond Street Peppermint, Mr. Taylor, or Coconut.

Stick with that and 2-pass shaves for a month and you'll cut your time down considerably, I think. You may be satisfied with just sticking with that. No problem with a standard, daily shave routine.

If you do a lot of experimenting, you'll likely keep spending 15 minutes on a shave. You could get the above to a 5-minute shave with 2 passes, most likely. Easy, comfortable, and quick.
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