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First Adjustable-66 Slim

In the "Better Lucky Than Smart" category..........

I just got back from the Post Office. I secured a '66 Gillette Slim in a "too good to be true" BST down the road. This is my first adjustable. I am anxious to shave with it.




Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
Slims are awesome. My first adjustable was a '65 Slim. I had a '66 too, but I PIFed it.
You're in a for a treat!

The Slim was my first nice razor, about four years ago.

I used it this morning loaded with an Asco Orange (3) and Palmolive cream. It was fantastic.

Be sure to open the silo doors when adjusting the number dial.
I just ordered a very nice Slim and a Fatboy on the Bay. Looking very forward to receiving them. I've had a Fatboy previously but not in such nice condition (and it has the case!) and have never used a Slim.
My new '64 Slim got here a day sooner than I expected. Gave it a good clean and polish and then had a nice evening shave, set on 5. Three passes, Feather blade. Wow! BBS on the first try! My other razors are going to be gathering a little dust...
But I've committed to OC-tober, using my 30's short comb New every day this month. Can't wait for November!
I had my first shave this morning set on "3" to start with: WTG-XTG-ATG(adjusted angles for my beard).
I got an excellent shave using Tabac. Tomorrow I will go to "4". Saturday to "5".


If I could only keep one of my DE's, it would be my slim. I use Wilkinson Swords most of the time, and set it between 4-7 generally. At 4 its very mild, and at 7 I have to show it respect.
I had my first shave this morning set on "3" to start with: WTG-XTG-ATG(adjusted angles for my beard).
I got an excellent shave using Tabac. Tomorrow I will go to "4". Saturday to "5".


Bob, lovely photo, thanks.

Talk about 'old school', Old Spice, Gillette Slim, boar brush. I think it doesn't get any better than this.

One oft talked about tactic with an adjustable razor is to start out with a higher setting for the first pass, dial it down a little for the second pass and dial it down more for the third and final pass.

Personally I leave mine set at '7'. But as always, YMMV.

IMO, a lot of the fun of the Slim is the fact that you can get very different experiences simply by dialing up or down. It doesn't hurt that it's built like a tank, I can't imagine many modern razors that will be around a half-century later.
Nice Slim. Just picked one up myself. 2 shaves with it so far. First one on 5 with a Wilkinson blade. Second shave on 5 with a Derby blade.

I finally found something I can use the Derby blades in. The Derbys are no good in my Techs.
The Slim is pretty much becoming the razor I use 5 times a week. Its adjustability lets it work with a variety of blades, and a variety of challenges with my beard. I travel with one too.
One more update. I am getting it dialed in. Another great close, nick & burn free shave. I could tell I definitely needed to give it 100% attention with my technique. No OOP's though.

"6" today, "7" tomorrow.

Well, you have it loaded with one of the finest blades in the world, so that doesn't hurt your efforts to learn the slim any. I always get close, comfortable shaves with the GSB. Congrats on the Slim. I have one as well, but need to commit to spend some time with it to really learn it.
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