The wife's investment
It's finals week here. I've been pretty busy this week. Hopefully I'll have all of my work submitted by early next week. See you all then.
Just past finals week for me. 'Course, I gave them, which I find is much more fun.
Hey, if you find it fun, I've got a stack you can grade this week!![]()
It's finals week here. I've been pretty busy this week. Hopefully I'll have all of my work submitted by early next week. See you all then.
Just past finals week for me. 'Course, I gave them, which I find is much more fun.
I have a Particle Physics exam on the 21st, Biophysics on the 26th and Condensed Matter Physics exam on the 1st. I also have a Viva next friday, then I graduate!![]()
Hey, if you find it fun, I've got a stack you can grade this week!![]()
A question for you teachers. How difficult or time consuming is it to grade a research paper 5 to 7 pages in length? Or a couple of classes worth of the same research paper?
Grading papers is extremely time consuming process. You have to read it as a critic (in the largest sense fo that word) of the overall idea but also put yourself into the mind of the writer to get a sense of what he/she really wants to say and the logic driving it. I teach business and limit grad student papers to two pages five-six times per term. Seems short, but I find (and so do they) that it is difficult to write a good short paper. Early on, I spend about 20-30 min per paper commenting and editing. Later, a little less time as they are better AND there is less I can add.
I do assure you that reading 55 papers on the same topic can make your brains leak out of your ears.