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Finally got it done! I'm now oficially a DAD!!

So finally after about 4 years of trying, and several doctors, and suffering through two miscarriages, we finally got our baby Saturday morning!

My wife was overdue, so the docs wanted to induce labor Friday morning, so at 0800, she took a little tiny pill to get things rolling. Well, after 26 fruitless hours of painful back labor, the docs advised a c-section after considering the position of the baby, a previous tailbone injury my wife had sustained, the length of the labor, and the size of the baby. We went with that advice, and at 1026 Saturday morning, young Ian was brought into the world at a whopping 23 inches in length, and weighing in at a hefty 9 pounds and 10 ounces. They kept Mama in the hospital for a couple extra days to get started on her recovery, but we're home now, and ready to begin our adventure as new parents!

Life is good!!:thumbup:


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I am truly honoured that you would name your son after me. :thumbup: It's remarkable just how much of an affect B&B has on our members' lives. :thumbup:

(seriously, congratulations.)
Congratulations! I recently became a Dad too. My son Raymond was born on 2/25. It also took us a long time to get pregnant. I can't wait to teach Ray how to shave just like I'm sure you can't wait to teach Ian. I wish you guy's all the best.
Good grief, the child's half grown already! :biggrin1:

Congratulations to you and your lovely wife, and best wishes for the future. Prepare for a grand adventure!
Congratulations kids are so much fun to be with everything they do is funny. Its great to watch them learn new things. Have fun and good luck!
Congratulations!! There is nothing like parenthood. My oldest is just turned 2, and my youngest is a month old. Every step of the way is a new experience and even better than before.
Bigtime congrats! I too, like you am a new dad (as of a month ago). Hearty congrats and enjoy the ride! (Haven't slept a solid 6 hours yet....and I'm usually a 7 hour man!)
Is it bad that I looked at "DAD" in the title and wondered what sort of acquisition disorder you have? :biggrin:

Warm congratulations!
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