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Finally got and shaved with a super speed.

I finally to the jump and bought me self a 1954 tv super speed Z3, It is in great shape. I Have a couple shaves in one it and man do I love the razor. It is milder than my Merkur 34c and shave just a close as it. The shaves last just as long and I still get my BBS head shaves that I require and with a lot less irritation and razor burn. I really can't believe I waited this long. I also got a 1966 flair tip super speed that I am gonna try soon and I have no doubt it will shave just as good. Now I am looking for more Gillette's to pick up on ebay, hopefully I don't bankrupt my self in the process LOL.
The superspeeds from the 50's are my favorites. The red tip and regular flair tip are both really well done shavers. If I could choose only one, it'd be the regular flair tip. It provides as close to a perfect shave as any razor I've tried.
The gillette superspeeds are my favorite de razors. They shave effortlessly and results are smooth.

I really need to try a 40s model...Currently the flare tip is my favorite.
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