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Finally content.almost

I've been around since The Nib opened and the search for a pen has been long. Today the mailman delivered a package from Mom with cookies for the grandkids and a birthday card for SWMBO and tucked inside was the answer to my search! A yellow and chrome Shaeffer No Nonsense with a medium italic nib.
Just something she found at a yard sale and picked up thinking I might like it. All I need to do now is pick up a converter, load up with Noodler's 5 O'Clock Shadow, and I will be content...I think. Unless I need it in other colors and other nibs and maybe I should keep a Preppy or two around, and I still need to resac the Wearevers I have and :scared:


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I eyedroppered both of my No Nonsenses- just a little silicone grease on the threads. I have never had a leak, and the are stored horizontally.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
All I need to do now is pick up a converter, load up with Noodler's 5 O'Clock Shadow, and I will be content...I think.

According to Zeno of Alea, you are halfway to reaching the pen collection that will bring you contentment.
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