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Film plate question

I picked up the flattest marble tile I could find at the home depot. Seems I really confused them by just wanting to buy one, so they dis not charge me. when I attempted to hone on it, i felt a few so small bumps with the razor. A close inspection revealed that the tile has some very small scratches on the surface.

Would it be a bad idea to lightly go over the time with some 2000 grit sand paper on a sanding block to smooth it out? Or would I be better off trying to find a new, perfectly clean surface?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
You know what's a super flat surface for film? Glass.

In fact, I use the flip side of a Shapton GlassStone 1K with cut-to-size films for the world's smallest honing kit, and can go from bevel to strop in a jiffy.
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