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I just did a quick search for "Gillette" on www.IMDB.com but did not come up with any movies or TV documentaries that relate to this as the shaving company. There are numerous actors with this name, but nothing referring to King Camp Gillette himself.

There are some shows listed that had Gillette as sponsors, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.
I don't know if they have a museum or company tours or anything at their headquarters, but I'd be surprised if they didnt have at least a promotional film with company history somewhere. Asides from cars and beer, I'd be hard pressed to find a company that spends more on advertising and has done so for as many years.
Lynn Abrams - World of Straight Razor Shaving is one, but the best one I have seen is National.Geographic.Secrets.Of.Shaving which is a must see!
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