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Featured Aftershave - Pinaud Eau de Quinine...An Excellent A/S


Pinaud Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic


Now that the Arctic blasts are in full force across much of the U.S., I have put away the menthol based aftershaves and have gotten settled in with bay rums, Old Spice and the like. One that I have been getting great results with is Pinaud Eau de Quinine. Most know it here as a hair tonic and yet it makes an excellent aftershave/splash that is clean, crisp and perfect for cold weather use.

Eau de Quinine along with Lilac Vegetal is one of Pinauds oldest fragrances. It's hard to describe but it's a sharp medicinal scent that is perfectly tempered with the trademark Pinaud powder. It goes on pungent but it is never overpowering. You can lay it on heavy after your shave and it has great soothing properties and nowhere near the burn of Pinaud Bay Rum or Clubman. One nice thing about EdQ is that it leaves a nice matte finsh to your shave--you don't get the "shine" with it, just a nice satiny feel.

EdQ has good longevity, too. After application and drydown its pungency fades slowly into the powder phase, although the sharpness of the scent is never totally lost. It just fades into the background and the last hours of this scent are some of the finest. At the end of the day you'll still catch whiffs that are muted but very pleasant. It's also really good as a body splash.

Pinaud gets a lot of accolades here at B&B so I thought I'd post about a product some may not be familiar with. If you are a fan of Pinauds other offerings, you really should give EdQ a try. Its a masculine, classy scent that's good for casual or formal situations. Really-its the perfect aftershave when you have just used a hundred year old razor!!

Anyone else out there using EdQ?? I'd be interested in your thoughts about it!!

trying to stay warm!!

Marty E.
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I just received a bottle from the esteemed Nid Hog. I am intrigued by the scent, although I am not yet sure if it is "for me" I'm enjoying the opportunity to get to know this product.

As a hair tonic it seems to provide modest hold, and for me the scent is a little too powerful for my comfort.

As an aftershave it has a respectable burn, and the for some reason the scent seems more at home on my face than it does in my hair...I wonder what that is all about?

I know I'll have to find the Eau De Portugal version to try...thanks for another AD, Nid. :ohmy:

I pick up a bottle of this stuff, on a lark, at a going out of business sale. Never thought of using it as an aftershave.

I just shaved, so I might just go right now and give it a try.




"Got Shoes?"
I received a pm regarding the dormant Aftershave of the Week segment. The pm suggested that this post by Marty E. might be an interesting selection for a Featured Aftershave.

After reading this review it is certainly interesting and I am sure that more than one of you has used/uses the Clubman hair tonics as aftershave. I know one Mod that uses Pashana hair tonic as an aftershave and has spoke highly of it.

So let's hear your experiences using hair tonic as an aftershave. Thanks to Myanmar for the putting up the review and I promised the person who sent the pm that I would not reveal his identity so I will just give you his initials... j.o.s.h.m.p.d.x. :wink:

Outstanding post!

there are good and bad reviews on site's that sell this stuff, however im positive that the majority of them don't have the background and experiance we do with these sorts of products. what has been your experiance with the Eau de Quinine?

it would be great if we (as a collective) could find the ingrediant list. I've read that there is a "tingle" when used on the hair and i've just got to know if that is a menthol tingle!

Eau de Quinine along with Eau de Portugal are not to tough to find online, and can be had really cheaply, especially considering youre getting 12 oz.

If anyone is feeling like they are spending a dollar or two too much, pick this up and reduce the overall cost of your aftershave collection significantly!

Here are a few old Ad's for the product. I love seeing vintage marketing...






I just picked up a bottle of the stuff and can say I do like it, especially in this windy winter we are having. My wife even seems to like the scent.
My question is, with hair tonic, is the liquid the same as aftershave? Or is it a little thicker and oilier? The whole concept of hair tonic is foreign to me, so I'm having hard time imagining it as an aftershave.
My question is, with hair tonic, is the liquid the same as aftershave? Or is it a little thicker and oilier? The whole concept of hair tonic is foreign to me, so I'm having hard time imagining it as an aftershave.

I can certainly understand how one would be reluctant to splash "hair tonic" on the face after a shave. But in this case the Pinaud hair tonics (specifically Eau de Quinine and Eau de Portugal) have the same consistency and ingredients as the other Pinaud aftershaves. The feel and finish are not oily or thick--really it would be like splashing on some Clubman or Bay Rum.

I would recommend EdQ basically as a cold weather scent--could be a bit heavy in the summer. The EdP however, is excellent year round and every bit as enjoyable to use as Clubman, Pinaud Bay Rum etc.

Marty E.
i'm not too fond of it's aroma.i don't think i could tolerate it as an a/s.maybe mixing it with witch hazel or another rose scent may make it tolerable.
. . . Pinaud hair tonics (specifically Eau de Quinine and Eau de Portugal) have the same consistency and ingredients as the other Pinaud aftershaves. The feel and finish are not oily or thick--really it would be like splashing on some Clubman or Bay Rum.

wow that's interesting . . . never would have guessed that, given the way they separate their "hair tonics" from their aftershaves. I have a bottle of regular Clubman aftershave, and I wonder how it would work in my hair? Seems awfully alcohol-laden to effect it in any way, other than to dry it out, or dehydrate my scalp and leave me with dandruff. so if EdQ and EdPortugal are like that, then I shall consider them as future aftershave acquisitions.
Seeing as how I have no hair left-well, actually, I shave what's left off there will be only 1 type of usage for me w/ the 2 of these products.

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