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Feather Popular or Lord L6?

I'm going to try and convert a good friend of mine to switch to safety razors. I'd like to supply him a new razor, with the target price range between $10-$20 with the thinking that if he takes to it, he can get a nicer razor down the line. I

I've narrowed it down to the Feather Popular or Lord L6, which would you choose? If there's another safety razor that you would recommend that falls in the $10-$20 price range, I'm all ears.
I'd suggest a Cadet/ RazoRock 3 piece, or TTO razor.

The Feather is much too lightweight, and too mild for my liking. While the Lord is a good razor, it's also extremely head heavy due to the lightweight aluminum handle.

The Cadet/ RazoRock is a much better choice in my opinion.

Note, that the Cadet Razors, and RazoRock Razors are the same thing, just sold under a different name.

Also note, the razors are actually cheaper through Shave A Buck, as he provides free shipping, while Italian Barber doesn't.

One of my fav modern razors though not perse the best looking one; it managed to migrate from travel razor to go-to razor in just a couple of months (in a strong field with Merkurs, Mühles and Gillettes) and is still my most used razor since I got it.
Can't speak to the Feather, but I had the Lord L6 and enjoyed it well enough. No problems shaving with it, but it didn't have much heft and I was intrigued by TTO razors.
I've had and used both. I liked the Lord, but the Feather is a nice razor. Purists will complain about the plastic, but it gives wonderful shaves.
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