Out of my first Sample pack, I have been using the Chrystals and the Red Personna's Haven't used any others yet, until this weekend. I keep reading how the Feather Blades were so much sharper than other blades and are easy to cut yourself with them; so I have been very learry about using them yet. Initialy, I was thinking of keeping them to the last pack so to provide more time to work on my technique, but here lately I have been thinking that maybe I should give them a try ahead of time so I know if I should leave some other blades to use after the Feathers so that I would have time to order new blades if the feathers didn't work for me.
Since I really wasn't going anywhere this weekend, I thought I'd try one of the Feathers so that if it cut me up pretty good, I could heal some before comming into work Sunday Night. The Result . . . . What was I bloody worried about. No Cuts, just a great shave. The tough parts to shave didn't present a problem really. Left just barely a hint of stubble - what I would have called "good" any day. The best part of it was, 1-less pass had to be made, and barely even had to do any touch-ups.
Since I really wasn't going anywhere this weekend, I thought I'd try one of the Feathers so that if it cut me up pretty good, I could heal some before comming into work Sunday Night. The Result . . . . What was I bloody worried about. No Cuts, just a great shave. The tough parts to shave didn't present a problem really. Left just barely a hint of stubble - what I would have called "good" any day. The best part of it was, 1-less pass had to be made, and barely even had to do any touch-ups.