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Feather for the first time

Out of my first Sample pack, I have been using the Chrystals and the Red Personna's Haven't used any others yet, until this weekend. I keep reading how the Feather Blades were so much sharper than other blades and are easy to cut yourself with them; so I have been very learry about using them yet. Initialy, I was thinking of keeping them to the last pack so to provide more time to work on my technique, but here lately I have been thinking that maybe I should give them a try ahead of time so I know if I should leave some other blades to use after the Feathers so that I would have time to order new blades if the feathers didn't work for me.

Since I really wasn't going anywhere this weekend, I thought I'd try one of the Feathers so that if it cut me up pretty good, I could heal some before comming into work Sunday Night. The Result . . . . What was I bloody worried about. No Cuts, just a great shave. The tough parts to shave didn't present a problem really. Left just barely a hint of stubble - what I would have called "good" any day. The best part of it was, 1-less pass had to be made, and barely even had to do any touch-ups.
Awesome! Just remember the sharper the blade the faster the performance wears off. Be ready to change a feather blade out sooner than your other blades.


If your technique is good, a sharper blade is actually easier to shave with.
I have been wet shaving for many years and until recently had not tried the feathers for many of the same reasons as jcummins and with similar results. I have used them in several different razors with very good results and no need for the proverbial neck tourniquet. :laugh: In fact, no cuts or weepers.

Enjoy your shaves,



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Feathers are terrific blades, and nothing to be afraid of as long as you stay focused. They will quickly remind you of any errant moves.

They're similar to the slant in that they appear to be imposing and formidable, but when you try them you may say "What was the big deal?"
my first shave with a Feather blade was very similar to yours, after getting over the "fear of the Feather" I ended up with a wonderful shave, no nicks or weepers.

+1 on a great shave:thumbup::thumbup:
I've gone back to Feathers and love them. Only downside is, as others have said, I have to use a fresh one every day. They wear out quickly as compared to other blades.
Just to be contrary:sneaky2:

I use a feather once in awhile. They give a very close shave (nice) but I do get more small nicks and more irritation than my favorite blade (Shark). I think that some folks have skin that is too easily damaged to use such a sharp blade on a regular basis. I envy those folks that can do that.
The Feather was one of the nicer blades from my sampler pack. I guess it will be one of the blades that stays in my rotation.
I'm with BryanD on this one. Feathers are amazing blades. Nothing sharper out there. My skin, however, just doesn't react well to them. No cuts, but I get weepers and irritation no matter how lightly I go. For me at least, the better blades are ones that dial back the sharpness a tad. 7 o clock yellows are excellent. Glad you like the Feathers, though.
When I first got into DE shaving, I bought a pack of Feathers and used one as soon as I was done using the blade that came with my Merkur. Big mistake...made julienne fries out of my face. That scared me off, but a few months later, when I had my technique down a lot better, I tried again. WOW. What a great blade! I love them...nothing else does what they do, and I don't get the irritation some folks experience. They're pretty much all I use now.
I love Feathers. I've strayed away from them a couple of time foolishly thinking I could do better for less money, but I always come back to them.

Other than an occasional Astra, Feathers are #1 in my rotation.
I started with a pack of Feathers, and never had a problem cutting myself. I tried several sample packs of blades (Feathers are spendy), but they just didn't cut like a Feather IMHO.

Glad you enjoyed!
I started with Feathers, using the Feather "Popular" razor as well. After experimenting with some sample packs I've gone back to the Feather blades, but now I prefer to use the Merkur 25c, long classic open comb. I also like Gillette 7 O`clock sharp edge and Gillette Bleue extras.
I started withthe feather portable then got the feather SS. I have tried other blades but they all fall short. I think if you start with a feather/learn with a feather it is is tough to use anything else...
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