How many shaves can you get out of a feather. Please also detail how many passes you have, your general prep procedure, razor type and if you consider your beard to be coarse / wirey or not.
If I push it I can get 2 shaves out of a Feather. But on second shave need to be very careful on the neck to avoid irritation. Optimal prep is a hot shower with a thorough face cleanse using Nivea face scrub. Then Proraso pre-shave and Proraso green. Razor Fatip usually. Do two passes. My beard is like a Brillo Pad.
2 Max. I truthfully only enjoy the first shave but the second still works. Which is why I prefer Gillette blacks. I cold water shave (as cold as you can get, I frequently add ice cubes) to the water for pre razor/brush soak. I use an R41 2013 with m89 Silvertip badger. Prep with face scrub w/ cold water, AoS pre shave oil, either TOBS grapefruit, castle Forbes lavender or lime, AoS sandalwood, or truefitt and hill Ultimatr comfort creams. I do wtg, xtg, atg passes 5-6 days per week. I have very coarse hair.
I almost always shave with two passes. Shower first, hydrate skin very well, partial bowl lather finish lather on face, EJ DE89, Merkur, Feather, Shavette, my beard is made of steel.
Definitely more than 5 shaves (more precisely 4 to 6 per edge). I have medium/coarse beard hair.
Procedure: shower - brush teeth - lather up - shave - clean the used blade edge with two sharp blows of water from a 20ml syringe (without needle of course).
It must be brushing my teeth what makes my blades last longer.
I get 4 x 3 pass shaves out of a Feather. Damn comfortable too. I use it with a pre-war FH Tech though, so not quite as aggressive as many razors out there.
Thick beard and I get 3, 3 pass shaves. I could scrape out a 4th but feel as though this is not really worth while, esp b/c my "nick/cut rate" skyrockets on the 4th shave.
Since I am used to trying to push a few extra shaves out of a blade, it varies a bit. I can get two, three and sometimes four shaves out of a single Feather. The novelty of Feather is that one is always changing blades every other day or so (YMMV). I love reaching for a fresh blade.
I do two passes, and I never use any blade more than 3 times. Feathers last all three shaves, and I could probably get 1 more out of them, but razor blades are so cheap I don't feel any reason to go more than 3.