Who here has used or is currently using the Feather Artist Club straight razor? I am just curious is it worth the money to give it try or just go straight to the Straights?
yeah i got that too. the japanese it's called i think. it is a terrific razor. i don't like the replaceable blade ones. to me that sort of defeats the purpose of a straight. i understand why it is good for barbers and your health at them.
I used a Teak DX model with a Professional SUper balde this morning - great shave. I started with "regular" western straights and just recently purchased the Feather AC - primarily for travel (no stropping or special care to guard against rust). Technique is not the same as with western straights, but much better than the Shavette style razors. The choice is is entirely a matter of preference. If just starting out I think the regular straights might be a better way to go.