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Feather- A Revelation

I put off trying Feather blades because of all the "it tore my face off" talk. What a mistake on my part. I've tried the Astra SP; Polsilver SI; Gillette yellow, black, and silver blue; Personna red; Personna lab, and more but the Feather was the sharpest, smoothest, cleanest, and closest shave yet.
I've found in my Superspeed that the Feather is the best paired blade. Gets right thru everything, and since the SS is milder, it's a great combination.
I've been hearing others are finding it out this great combination.
Feathers work well for me if I'm very careful and go slow with short strokes. However, I find them unforgiving and I can easily get nicks and irritation if I'm not careful. Very sharp blades for sure.
Sweet!! That's why there are so many brands to choose from. I love Feather blades as a part of my collection , but I will take any Russian blade to shave with any day over a Feather. Once again, different blades for different faces!


Needs milk and a bidet!
I put off trying Feather blades because of all the "it tore my face off" talk. What a mistake on my part. I've tried the Astra SP; Polsilver SI; Gillette yellow, black, and silver blue; Personna red; Personna lab, and more but the Feather was the sharpest, smoothest, cleanest, and closest shave yet.

Who's saying that huh? huh? you tell me. put up your dukes! :a3: :001_tt2:

I've found in my Superspeed that the Feather is the best paired blade. Gets right thru everything, and since the SS is milder, it's a great combination.
I've been hearing others are finding it out this great combination.
Bingo! I concur. It's a perfect combo!
Assuming my tremors are mild (most days), Feathers work best for me in my Ikon OC. Medium days I like Gillette Blacks, bad days Personna Blues.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I put off trying Feather blades because of all the "it tore my face off" talk. What a mistake on my part. I've tried the Astra SP; Polsilver SI; Gillette yellow, black, and silver blue; Personna red; Personna lab, and more but the Feather was the sharpest, smoothest, cleanest, and closest shave yet.

I did the same thing. I finally tried them and got three great shaves from each blade - but I was waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time. No blood.

I didn't find them any sharper than Med Preps and they only last half as long and cost more - so I'm not sure I'll be purchasing more, but a fine shave.
I had my first shave with a Feather blade today, it is smooth and sharp, I got a really good shave with less effort. Still thinking about getting more though because of it's higher price.
I had such a horrible first experience with Feathers that 2 years later I have had no desire to try them again. I have no doubts the horrible shave was due, at least in part, to my relative inexperience DE shaving. I had been at it about 4 months. The shave was so bad however that it was almost a week before I could shave again. Now, I can understand a bad shave that irritates you for a day or two, but even my very first DE shave wasn't that bad, and that one was with a Dorco. I haven't had one that bad since either. So, some of it has to do with the blade, at least for me.

I've had such good luck with other blades that I haven't found it necessary to even think of trying them again. The great things about this hobby is that we really have such a wealth of choices available to us that whatever our reasons are, there is always something for everyone. Glad you might have found "your blade". Nothing better than that. Well, there are, but in the shaving world it's a pretty damn good thing.
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