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favorite DE razor

It's a toss up between my Gillette New, Tech or Slim. It just depends on the mood I am in when I decide to shave. Although I have really been digging my New since it's Open Comb October :)
I always come back to my Merkur Vision 2000. I've tried just about every DE made but the Vision is one that is just too nice a shaving machine to put away for very long. I have to force myself to NOT use it, otherwise I would not use any of my other razors (yea it is that nice)

Currently it's a toss up between IKON OC2013, IKON Slant, Mergress and Futur and ...stop it, stop it, stop it ! :001_rolle:biggrin1:
Pre-War Gillette Fat Handle Tech (Triangle Slots)
  • Perfect weight balance
  • Excellent grip
  • Slim profile head allows for easy access and shaving of the upper lip

Distant, distant second would be a Gillette Fat Boy Adjustable
Aesthetically, there are a number of beauties that i enjoy owning, BUT functionally I find I reach for my Bar-Handle LC NEW more than anything else.
My Slim is my favorite, but the iKon OC runs a close second with the FatBoy third. My other runners up are iKon SB baseplae, Jagger De86, and Merkur 37c.
This is mine, it is unmarked


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