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Favorite Beer Names?

Ok...just found mine...."Tactical Nuclear Penguin"

Had never heard of the stuff until here

You gotta be kidding me!

Lets hear some others...with as many micro brews as there are in the States, I'm sure there are some other nutty ones I'm missing!
Some great names I've seen around the way:

Arrogant bastard is a good name with a very fitting bottle commentary written on the side
-Tree Fort
-Bone Crusher (local spot)
-Old Leghumper
"Mile Highlander Scottish Ale"
It was the name I gave my homebrew served at my wedding. I wore full Highland attire and I live in Denver.
I love the name. I'll have to get some for the Czardom's arsenal.

be ready to pay through the nose for it. i believe it's more than 30% alcohol. they made it to be more potent than sam adams utopias.

some people say it's not really a true beer due to the process used to make it. it's almost distilling rather than brewing--it's hard to keep yeast alive in such an alcoholic environment.
We have a few interesting beer names in Britain. `generally it's the real ales that have the best.

A few of my favourites

Dog's Bollocks
What The Fox Hat
Bitter and Twisted

and my favourite - Old Expensive


Aventinus is my favorite but I enjoy anything put out by Schneider.
wait wait wait.... so is this "favorite beer names" as in, names that are your favorite, or names of your favorite beer? 'Cause so far I've taken it as the former.
Brewed here in Utah which makes it even funnier.


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