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Fatty Green Shark PIF


Proraso Green. This is a tube of the old formula Proraso Green I purchased not too long ago. I used maybe a 5th of it, probably less. I wanted to try the new formula and now I really don't need both tubes. So help me out and take this one off my hands. The tube and the cream are in very good clean condition.

I love sharks! I got a great deal on a 100 box of them. That's just soo much for me. Help me out and take a couple off my hands. These are brand new and sealed.


Mitchell's Wool Fat. EVERYONE (it seems) loves this soap. I Hated it. Take it from me. This puck was only used a few times by me. However I had to shove it into my mug and then hack it out of the mug when I was done. So it looks a bit battered. I scraped off the edges to make it a bit more puck like again. It's very usable still.

If you are interested in all of this, just respond with a fun, interesting, crazy, or smart word. I'll pick my favorite 1 word response on Black Friday.

This is for anyone in the CONUS +Hawaii. Will not ship to Alaska. ha. I'll pay for shipping. I'll ship this out the week after thanksgiving holiday.

to estimate as 0, or appraise at worthless

eg: I Floccinaucinihilipilificate the effectiveness of Mach3 razors.
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