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I've had my eye on that for awhile but i wanna take my time and get really good with both versions of my piccolos and experiment with different blades in them for a few months first.

In my lurkings and searchings at this forum i've noticed SLOC's always get mentioned in fatip threads, and fatips always get recommended in SLOC threads...they must be kindred spirits of the shaving gods. I like it for its uniqueness from the rest of the crowd, i think the PAA ascension looks pretty cool too.

For what its worth, the PAA Ascension is nowhere close to Fatip IMHO. I have one and it didn't do anything for me. The first time I used my Fatip, i.e. about a week ago, I knew the PAA was a goner for me LOL

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Heh. I'm thinking of starting a thread, where I discuss my recent revelation of a new parameter! Ready? It's the "efficiency-aggression" ratio.

(Or, is it "aggression-efficiency" ratio?)

Anyway. I found my two most favorite razors, the RR SLOC & Fatip Piccolo, have a very high level of efficiency, in relation to their aggression. In fact, they both seem among the best in this parameter, for their given aggression level. And I realized that's what I try to achieve in finding a razor: The highest level of efficiency, for the least amount of aggression.

But good luck quantifying this ...

To me, there are a number of factors going into what makes a great safety razor, and I'm not even sure I know what all the factors are. In talking about on of my very favorite safety razors I wrote a post which describes it and why I like it so much. Link if you're interested.

Captain of the Design (meme).jpg

I have razors I don't much like, but I also have a bunch of safety razors I like a lot. That includes the Fatips. Once I learned to use them properly at a steeper angle or their design angle (neutral angle) I came to appreciate the Fatip razors much more. I like them all, but the Grande Mk1 is my favorite.

I am not fond of the Piccolo handle. Not at all. It is too thin for me. If I replace the Piccolo's handle with a Grande handle the razor improves by leaps and bounds.


I'm still mad at Plisson for not sending me the razor I ordered (with eleven teeth) and madder still because their customer service is only a pretend version of customer service (a computer generated email telling me how valuable I am to them and that they'd get with me very soon, etc. was all I got). However, I've come to believe the razor is actually quite good. It's very much like my Schöne, but I may like it better because it's a lot prettier and has a very interesting handle. The handle seems way too big, but it works fine and balances nicely so why not like it?

To me, aggressive razors are prone to bite. Efficiency and aggression are unrelated as I see it. I like my razors to be efficient and smooth feeling.

Mostly I'm sticking with just one safety razor right now (my E-2) and focusing on learning the straight razor, but Fatips are excellent razors and not just excellent for the price either.

Happy shaves,

To me, there are a number of factors going into what makes a great safety razor, and I'm not even sure I know what all the factors are. In talking about on of my very favorite safety razors I wrote a post which describes it and why I like it so much. Link if you're interested.
That's quite a list. Thanks for the link. Since I only use newly produced razors and currently produced blades, I think I could probably live with my "efficiency-aggression" ratio as a primary component in my decision process. I simply pick my desired aggression level, and go for the most efficient razor at that level. Conversely, I can pick my desired efficiency level, and go for the least aggressive razor at that level.
I have razors I don't much like, but I also have a bunch of safety razors I like a lot. That includes the Fatips. Once I learned to use them properly at a steeper angle or their design angle (neutral angle) I came to appreciate the Fatip razors much more. I like them all, but the Grande Mk1 is my favorite.
I naturally like steep angle shaving. But I have additionally found I need to shave at a steeper angle with my most aggressive razors, those being R41, Ikon Tech, Yaqi Beast, etc. It seems to be the only way my face survives these beasts!

I am not fond of the Piccolo handle. Not at all. It is too thin for me.
Understood, and I found myself leaning a (wee) bit that way too. But the Yaqi 12x70mm Picollo style handle pretty much fixes that.


If I replace the Piccolo's handle with a Grande handle the razor improves by leaps and bounds.
And then it's called a "Grande". ;)

I'm still mad at Plisson for not sending me the razor I ordered (with eleven teeth) and madder still because their customer service is only a pretend version of customer service (a computer generated email telling me how valuable I am to them and that they'd get with me very soon, etc. was all I got). However, I've come to believe the razor is actually quite good. It's very much like my Schöne, but I may like it better because it's a lot prettier and has a very interesting handle. The handle seems way too big, but it works fine and balances nicely so why not like it?

To me, aggressive razors are prone to bite. Efficiency and aggression are unrelated as I see it. I like my razors to be efficient and smooth feeling.

Mostly I'm sticking with just one safety razor right now (my E-2) and focusing on learning the straight razor, but Fatips are excellent razors and not just excellent for the price either.

Happy shaves,

I agree with your statement that efficiency and aggression are unrelated, in terms of conceptual attributes. In practical application, there is often some loose correlation I believe, but it's definitely not absolute - that's for sure. But yeah, I want good efficiency with mild aggression, and I think I've found it in a moderately aggressive head (Fatip OC), and at a somewhat lessor efficiency level in a mild head (SLOC).

Happy shaves to you too Jim, and thanks for the reply.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I like the SLOC, too. A lot.

I like the R41, too. A lot.


Today's kit.

The list goes on, but here I am shaving mostly with the straight.

Happy shaves,

Finished my first shave with a Fatip Grande. After shaving the first side of my face I thought, ‘Wow, this is the smoothest razor ever.’ Then, I realized I neglected to install a blade. Still smooth, just not as smooth with a blade. Go figure.


I didnt know
Finished my first shave with a Fatip Grande. After shaving the first side of my face I thought, ‘Wow, this is the smoothest razor ever.’ Then, I realized I neglected to install a blade. Still smooth, just not as smooth with a blade. Go figure.

Try a Gillette Yellow, or Green for that matter...or Black! lol. You may be pleasantly surprised.

A Polsilver in my Grande on shave 20 was as smooth or smoother than a fresh Yellow and just as sharp. Polsilvers smooth out for me on the 4th shave.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Try a Gillette Yellow, or Green for that matter...or Black! lol. You may be pleasantly surprised.

A Polsilver in my Grande on shave 20 was as smooth or smoother than a fresh Yellow and just as sharp. Polsilvers smooth out for me on the 4th shave.


Me, too. Except for me they improve during the first shave. More during the second shave.

Happy shaves,

Try a Gillette Yellow, or Green for that matter...or Black! lol. You may be pleasantly surprised.

A Polsilver in my Grande on shave 20 was as smooth or smoother than a fresh Yellow and just as sharp. Polsilvers smooth out for me on the 4th shave.
Now isn't that interesting? Because I consider Yellows one of my standard bearers. Polsilver is one of the few St Pete's blades I never tried. I'm almost afraid to try it, because I already have bulk purchases of other St Pete's blades!

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Now isn't that interesting? Because I consider Yellows one of my standard bearers. Polsilver is one of the few St Pete's blades I never tried. I'm almost afraid to try it, because I already have bulk purchases of other St Pete's blades!

Problem is this: Polsilvers are better than the others I've tried. For me. Just saying. Sharp and a lot smoother. More comfortable. Not as harsh.


I feel your pain there. I have thousands of blades (I'm afraid there really are thousands), most of which I know I won't use short of circumstances where I'd probably just grow a beard anyway.

On the other hand, some gentlemen try the Polsilver blade and hate it. That's true even though it also seems to me that a great many people end up settling as I have on the Polsilver for DE razors. I don't even think about anything else if shaving with a DE (not that I am much at all shaving with a DE).

First world problems and all, happy shaves,



I didnt know
Now isn't that interesting? Because I consider Yellows one of my standard bearers. Polsilver is one of the few St Pete's blades I never tried. I'm almost afraid to try it, because I already have bulk purchases of other St Pete's blades!

Polsilver stands alone to me. My first 4 shaves with one they feel more like an Astra SP than any 7 O'Clock blade. They're deceptively sharp too. I tried a Yellow again maybe a month ago after not having any for several months and found it lacking in my Grande, but they're certainly smooth out of the wrapper.

The Polsilver I used to 20 shaves smoothed right out on its 4th shave, the same as every other one I've used, then became just a tiny bit harsh on shave #8 and again on shave #12. It thought about becoming harsh again at shave #18 but didnt. Shave #20 was the same as shave #1, one buffing pass ATG and one small clean up. It had more shaves in it when I tossed it to test a Yellow. That Yellow went 9 shaves but was done at 7.

Polsilver shave #20.

Blade flipped.

52 hours since last shave. CC North cream.

ATG first pass buffing like usual and I wondered why it felt a bit tuggy. I guess at 52 hours growth and starting directly ATG thats allowed lol. Still not bad though and the blade did fine.

One ATG buffing pass, one clean up pass and two little touch ups with water only. BBS without issue.

All is well in crazy town lol.


Shaving every other day, call it 183 shaves per year. I have at least 140 Polsilver blades left. Even using one blade a month I have an 11 1/2 year supply of Polsilver blades alone, not to mention 190 Derby Extra and 190 Feathers and this one blade is already past the one month mark and I'm still shaving first pass ATG. I had thought the sharpness might fall off and I'd need to start a more traditional shave first pass WTG/XTG, but not yet.

I started this blade Nov. 28.

I'm now on the 5th week and it shows no signs of slowing down and in fact, has improved. Its still very nearly as sharp as it was fresh and a whole bunch smoother.

The 200 blades cost me CAD$43.16 total. Thats $0.216 per blade. At 20 shaves this blade has cost me $0.010. A full 5 weeks shaves for a penny. People say this type of shaving doesnt save money. Think again.

I dont remember offhand what the total cost of my Grande was, but it was close enough to $50 to call it that. Under CAD$100 for the best DE razor made in my opinion and 200 of one of the best blades made, and you're good for ten years.
Problem is this: Polsilvers are better than the others I've tried. For me. Just saying. Sharp and a lot smoother. More comfortable. Not as harsh.


I feel your pain there. I have thousands of blades (I'm afraid there really are thousands), most of which I know I won't use short of circumstances where I'd probably just grow a beard anyway.

On the other hand, some gentlemen try the Polsilver blade and hate it. That's true even though it also seems to me that a great many people end up settling as I have on the Polsilver for DE razors. I don't even think about anything else if shaving with a DE (not that I am much at all shaving with a DE).

First world problems and all, happy shaves,

Polsilver stands alone to me. My first 4 shaves with one they feel more like an Astra SP than any 7 O'Clock blade. They're deceptively sharp too. I tried a Yellow again maybe a month ago after not having any for several months and found it lacking in my Grande, but they're certainly smooth out of the wrapper.

The Polsilver I used to 20 shaves smoothed right out on its 4th shave, the same as every other one I've used, then became just a tiny bit harsh on shave #8 and again on shave #12. It thought about becoming harsh again at shave #18 but didnt. Shave #20 was the same as shave #1, one buffing pass ATG and one small clean up. It had more shaves in it when I tossed it to test a Yellow. That Yellow went 9 shaves but was done at 7.
Alright! I'm sold!

I've got these two tucks in my stash. The brown tuck seems to have 10 blades. And the blue tuck seems to be 5 (blades). Both tucks are unopened.




Raven Koenes

My precious!
Alright! I'm sold!

I've got these two tucks in my stash. The brown tuck seems to have 10 blades. And the blue tuck seems to be 5 (blades). Both tucks are unopened.



My opinion is that everyone seems to prefer the discontinued Polsilver Wizamet blades from Poland. I'm in the minority and really like the new Polsilver Zyletek blades from Russia better. The Polsilver in the blue box I find are smoother and more comfortable.


I didnt know
I've got these two tucks in my stash. The brown tuck seems to have 10 blades. And the blue tuck seems to be 5 (blades). Both tucks are unopened.


As I understand it, the brown box Wizamet were made in Lodz Poland. The newer Polsilver SI is made at the St. Pete Russian plant on machinery moved there from the plant at Lodz Poland. I couldnt tell them apart.

IMG_1263.jpg IMG_1266.jpg IMG_1265.jpg
That last Wizamet blade made in Poland were made in 92,93. Personally the were not that great compared to the PPI plant product. Gillette still used the old packaging for a while. You can tell by the blade. It it has the 1,2,3,4 numbering it is a Gillette. The Wizamet SI’s has no numbering and a Wizamet logo on the blade. The Wizamet Polsilvers just had a 1,2 numbering to denote which side.

Gillette scrapped most of the Wizamet manufacturing line and just transferred production to their existing lines in St Petersburg.

Gillette discoed the Super Iridium name in 2008???

As most discoed blades I think there is a lot of rose colored glasses being worn.

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I didnt know
The Wizamet blades were 'Iridium Super', unless that was a different blade. The St.Pete Polsilvers are Polsiver 'Super Iridium'.
The Wizamet blades were 'Iridium Super', unless that was a different blade. The St.Pete Polsilvers are Polsiver 'Super Iridium'.

Wizamet marketed them as two product lines. Gillette may have combined the names after acquisition to reduce packaging and due to market changes. If one outsold the other by a large margin it would make sense.

Gillette did make Super Iridiums but ceased production around 2008 see below. These are PPI ( Gillette) Iridiums that people paid big bucks for in 2010


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