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Fatboy Sticking Adjustment Fingers, Help!

Came across a D-4 gold Fatboy (Executive) and after several soakings in near boiling water and dish soap it appears that the adjustment fingers are stuck in the #9 position.
Even when the adjustment knob is turned down to 1 there is a small gap between the top of the knob and the tray that rides the knob up and down.
I've noticed with my 1960 Fatboy that the tray rises and falls freely with the knob on 1 but the Executive is stuck fast even when I try to push the fingers down.
Anyone else encounter this problem?
Hopefully all you need to free it up is patience.
I recently swapped FatBoys with a fellow that had to meet a schedule. I just put his in a pan with dish soap and changed the water every day using very hot water.
About the third or forth day it freed up.
Remember it has had decades to set up.
Yeah, soak and try it. Repeatedly.

Turn it to one and use your fingers to nudge it up and down until it raises and falls on its own.
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