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Fatboy problem when twisted to close all the way


I picked up a Fatboy in what looks to be very good condition and required very little cleaning. It is dated E1 (1959) and has no brassing or any major scratches. Adjustment works fine as well. However, there is one problem - when I twist to close it all the way to clamp it down, it locks pretty tight but I can still rotate the knob and it just clicks as I do that. My other Fatboy that I have just stops when locked tight and I can't rotate it any longer. This one seems to still lock down pretty tight (although I have not tried to put a blade in yet and shave with it) but the knob that closes the razor can still be rotated clockwise with some pressure and it clicks as i do that. After that, when I rotate it counter-clock to open the razor, it opens a little and then seems to get "stuck" but if I push just a little it gets past this point and opens fine. If I don't force the clicking after I tightened it down, then it opens just fine.

Any idea why this is happening and if it could be fixed? It is possible to take it apart since it is not the later "clamped" version, but before I do that and possibly make things worse, I was wondering if anyone has seen this and has any suggestions.

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Fixed the problem. Took it apart and immediately noticed that the metal ring/washer inside which suppose to sit in place and restrict the movement was not spread wide enough and thus was out of place allowing for more movement and causing the clicks. I put it back in place and spread it wider with long nose pliers. Works great and it is in pristine condition!!

By the way, I took the other FB that I have apart as well for reference and that one is E4 so same year but last quarter. There is a difference inside - the little piece of metal which rides inside a thread on the inside of the knob is silver in the E1 but it is black in E4. It actually looks like it is made from black plastic in E4 but I am guessing it has to be metal.

The Gillette adjustable razors have a feature of an extra 1/4 turn after you tighten down the silo doors. I
The Gillette adjustable razors have a feature of an extra 1/4 turn after you tighten down the silo doors.
Right, I am aware of that. But in my case I could continue turning the knob as much as I wanted after it was already tight and it would just turn and click. So it was not a 1/4 turn feature, it was a problem with the washer stopper being out of place and not enforcing a hard stop. Once I put it in place and spread it wider the way it was before, the problem was solved. Borrowing a picture from the how to take FB apart guide, the problem was with this washer that came loose:
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