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Fatboy Owners Group... 100 members?


A while ago I started the F.O.G., the Fatboy Owners Group.
Today I noticed we have 83 members already.
I think that is great, and another sign of the vitality of this great forum.

I am just curious if we can manage to expand the group to 100 members?
If you have a Fatboy and like to join as a token of your appreciation of this fabulous shaver, I cordially invite you!
Wouldn't think so...

It's the Fatboy OWNERS group, not the Fatboy USERS group.

Go ahead, sign up.

I own one. Just about paid off! :lol:

It would be my favorite if it weren't for my slim. A close number 2, but maybe my fatboy is out of wack.

mrscottishman- I am not saying Williams is bad, just that you shouldn't leave it out around children.
I just picked up a '58 Fatboy from DanInFla! Been shaving with a Derby on 5 for the past 4 days. Tempted to click it up a notch, but not totally sure if I'm ready yet.

My poor Merkur HD is just sitting there unused. Oh well!
I'm a fatboy..........................................................User.

Used one three days in a row...Rare for me.
I hope to be joining soon when my parcel from Sailorman arrives :)

Meanwhile this morning had my first shave with a nice English SS Flare Tip that I got ridiculously cheaply off the 'bay :thumbup:
Looks like 98 members at the moment. Think I'll celebrate the impending big "one-oh-oh" by sparking a Fatty this morning - shaving with a Fatboy that is.
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