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Fashionable stubble - shaving frequency

I have noticed that beards, and especially stubble beards, are becoming very fashionable. Young men seem to have led the way; but yesterday I saw on the BBC a middle aged news presenter with a few days growth.

Since I have retired I no longer need to be seen pristine every day. I love the feel after a close shave, but I am getting to like the feel of three or four days growth - even my wirery white hair begins to be soft and stroke-able after a few days.

Young lads with dense darks beards seem to manage this style best - but maybe when I have advanced form my salt-and-pepper colour to pure white I will be able to compete!

Have you recently changed your shaving frequency? Are you prepared to be seen with two, three or even four or more days growth?
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Have you recently changed your shaving frequency? Are you prepared to be seen with two, three or even four or more days growth?

I don't even like to go downstairs for that first cup of coffee unshaven.
I personally believe that a man who does not shave can appear like a bum. I imagine it is all right to hand around the house and yard with a growth of beard, but if you are going out or to work you need to shave. Stubble is not fashionable; it has never been. I don't care how many young punks go around without shaving. If stubble is the conventional wisdom - that is reason enough to reject it.
I personally believe that a man who does not shave can appear like a bum. I imagine it is all right to hand around the house and yard with a growth of beard, but if you are going out or to work you need to shave. Stubble is not fashionable; it has never been. I don't care how many young punks go around without shaving. If stubble is the conventional wisdom - that is reason enough to reject it.
IMO stubble is only acceptable if it is to be grown into a beard/moustache/goatee. I really don't think it's a good look to appear slovenly as a fashion statement.

During my recent hiatus from B&B I grew a beard (and a fine one too!) but I was conscious of appearing rough and like I was too lazy to shave whilst it was growing into a beard.

Hmmmm....fashionable stubble.

Typed it into Google and got a 404 error...

Putting "fashionable" and "stubble" together is like this...

I guess "fashionable stubble" makes sense for those Calvin Klein model-wannabes who work out all day, have their bodies waxed and have 26 inch waists. However, rather than shave only every third or fourth day, I would use the basic underperforming electric razor. This way I can ensure that I will leave visible stubble after every shave.
Like many, I am sure, do not know what a good shave is like. I know that I was guilty of shaving with a beard trimmer because of having bad shaves, razor bump neck, and the fact that I was almost living out of my truck. Now, that I have a good woman and my little girls in my life. I have positioned myself into much higher-class situations where confidence is key, negotiations assertive, and time of the essence. I find that a good STR8 shave to start the day gives my day an immediate sense of accomplishment, which sets the tone for the remainder of the day.

I have had more positive comments about a clean BBS face than I ever had with a face full of stubble. I mean how many times you are going to hear, "Wow, I don't know what it is but that attempt at a beard is nice.”
I say, add one more element to your day that empowers you, gives you confidence, and makes you look good.
I must say that I agree with my colleagues in that it isn't for me. Not only do I love the way my face looks and feels after a wonderful shave, but the 3 to 4 day growth just looks unclean to me. I understand that some of these men work hard at getting that appearance just right. But to me, they just look unkempt.
The only times I've seen that look really sorta work, they are still shaping and shaving, so the stubble beard is neat, in good lines, and clean shaven in other areas. That really does make all the difference as to if it looks unkempt and slovenly or just the beginnings of a legit beard.
I went many years shaving only two or three times a week.
It's true that some younger men can get away with this.

I'm in my 40s and I just look like a slob whenever I skip shaving.
I probably always did, but was able to ignore the fact.

Problem is...my wife loves the stubble. :001_rolle
Me no likey!

Bad choices made by many too often can devolve ones sense of what's right and what's wrong ... case in point ...

I sported the stubble look for about 6 months last year. The wife liked it and running a trimmer over your face and tidying up the neck every few days was nice and easy. It's only when I shaved it off that I remembered how fantastic a clean shaven face feels. Now I start getting jittery if I go more than a day without a shave.
I think there is some truth in the look suiting young men better as well.
I don't even like to go downstairs for that first cup of coffee unshaven.

Hee hee! The young lads just hate shaving; that's all. There is nothing appealing about stubble compared to a well-shaven face, in my opinion. Show them how to shave properly and they won't be letting their beards grow.
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