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Experienced wet shaver needs a DE blade Recommendation

Hey guys! I haven't been around lately, but I have a question. I have been shaving almost exclusively with SE razors lately, with an occasional straight shave thrown in for fun. I picked up a Fatboy for $.50 at a garage sale this summer and it has sat unused in my shave drawer since.

I desperately need DE blade recommendations. I'm looking at 7 o'clock blacks and feathers. I already have my lather and prep down pat, I just want to try a DE vs SE or straight

What do you recommend?
This seems to be the ultimate YMMV question. Really unpredictable preferences, here. To some extent it depends on the particular razor; I think more than that, it depends on the particular face.
That said, you have two super-highly regarded (or commonly well-regarded, I should say) blades. And a an adjustable razor -- which you might want to start with on a low setting, though if you use straights you'll get used to the DE at a more aggressive setting very quickly.

You probably don't need anything else for now.
I have a few "go to" blades, and the 7 O'Clock blacks are right at the top (with Polsilver and Voskhod, in my case.... but I've found others that are close, too).
Haha, thanks wagstaff. I know this is going to be a hard question to answer, because everyone is different. It's so much easier in the SE world! I think I will try a five pack of blacks from somewhere.
I read too fast... I thought the 7 O'Clock Blacks and Feathers were already in hand. I can throw in a few other blades, too, if you want to pm you address here, too. Some I like and some I don't, both!
Wow guys. That would be awesome! I'm really excited to try a DE, which sounds funny, considering I've been wet shaving for quite some time now. I hope DEs aren't as addicting as SEs!
Those two happen to be my favorites in the Fatboy.
I desperately need DE blade recommendations. I'm looking at 7 o'clock blacks and feathers. I already have my lather and prep down pat, I just want to try a DE vs SE or straight

What do you recommend?
I like the Feather, Gillette Silver Blue, Personna Red, Personna Lab/med, gillette Blue plantinum, gillette green super stainless in my 61' fatboy
I put some blades in the mail for you this morning.

I can't remember what all I put in there, but there were some Personna Labs, some Astras, Gillette 7 o'clocks and a few others (I think Bic and Derby?).
I mailed last Thurs. IIRC, what I packed was: Personna Reds, Derby, Astra SP, and Voskhod. Sorry for overlap... I didn't remember what Vickers sent beyond Gillette 7 O'Clocks. Still... you have a decent sampler now, or coming any day now. Let us know how it goes!
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Vickers, wagstaff, you Both are too kind. I received both packages in the mail a few days ago. Wow! I'm going to have enough blades to try out, it's going to take me six months. I can't thank you guys enough. So far I really like the 7 o'clock blacks but I haven't had a chance to try out any others. I don't know which ones I'm going to try next. But I have to shave tonight, so I'll try something out. Thanks again
We'll want a report....

I am comparing blades and have only really started. I've got a sampler with 7'clock green, Shark and Bluebirds coming and a separate batch of Silver Blues coming. Am really eager to try 7 o'clock blacks but I should be in blades for quite a bit yet.
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