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Experienced Straight Shavers - Especially Lawyers!


Having now gotten a good handle on my DE, I really want to master a straight. My problem is that I'm a third year law student about to graduate and being studying for the Bar exam at the end of July. For any other lawyers out there, they know what this means; I'm not working and have zero source of income. My dad is great enough to have let me stay with him through law school so I've never had to worry about a cost of living - given that I've paid for all 7 years at Creighton though I'm still shelling out a lot of cash.

Basically I would LOVE some generous experienced shaver out there who might have an old "shave ready" straight and strop laying around that isn't getting much use consider a donation to a straight virgin. Or two guys each with one half of that equation. Failing that, someone who'd be willing to part with those pieces of kit on the cheap - in which case this probably would need to be moved to the BST forum.

Hopefully there are guys out there willing to help a young law student out :thumbup1:
If no one will part with a razor (I can't, I just got started and have no surplus), you could try Larry Andro at whippeddog.com.
He sells shave ready razors for $33.00 and has a "Poor Mans Strop Kit" for $11.00, shipped.
His razors are pretty good (I have three, one's a beaut, but consider it an exception. They are usually not pretty, but shave well). Regarding his strop kit, I would recommend you invest on something a little better, like an Illinois strop for $30.00 or so. I got mine at Amazon. If $30 is too much, his strop kit will do fine.

Larry is a very nice guy. He'll send you written instructions and is available on the phone for those moments of panic. :scared:

Hope this helps.
Wish I could help but I've never used a straight. I had enough trouble shaving with a DE due to nerves and lack of sleep back in 1976 when I was studying for the California bar exam. Good luck.
I'm just getting into straight shaving (I don't even have a razor yet. Hehe), but another suggestion for a cheap strop is a Filly strop from Ken at ruprazor. Good luck! :thumbup1:
I'd recommend you buy the Filly strop for $20 shipped


If you want I've got a Gold Dollar I'll ship you shave ready. I bought it to rescale, but discovered that it's got a bent tang and won't fit in the scales I had for it. It doesn't affect shaving and it closes fine in its stock scales.

Of course if I ever get caught for the myriad of horrifying and illegal things I do on a daily basis, I expect you to take my case pro bono.

Pm me if this is agreeable.
Fellow former Law student here (In Canada). I'm getting admitted in June! Have fun studying:p Our big exam was in January, now it's smooth sailing till June!


I'd wait until you pass the bar..... No sharp objects should be near you while you wait for the results.


I agree....but I would like to add that you should not attempt this while your studying for the bar. Wait until you pass and are admitted before attempting the straight.

"Plausible Deni-ability"....is important.:thumbup1:

Tutti Frutti, Cheers
You're both hilarious :001_tongu I'm actually in the top 10% of my class, so I'm not ALL that worried about the Bar. Plus I've got BarBri all summer long. It's just one more hurdle right?
Congrats and good luck with the Bar!

If I recall, I didn't shave a whole lot in the months leading up to the bar. I was a little shaggy when I went in.

And if you want a little advice, take lots of practice exams and short yourself on time each session. I'd take 100 of the multiple choice questions in 2.5 hours instead of 3. If you get 40 minutes for the essay, do them in 35.

When you get in there for the real thing, you'll feel like you have all the time in the world. It'll dramatically decrease the stress and you'll sail through.
Trust me, the bar is the shortest hurdle you will face. It's a pain and somewhat shocking who passes and who doesn't, but nothing compared to working. The week before I took my bar, I was notified by the firm I was hired at that they would be reevaluating their 1st years. The Texas office was heavily focused in technology and I was graduating during the the bust in 1999-2000. Yeah, made for a fun bar.

I appreciate all the advice guys. I'm currently enrolled in the BarBri course and they do impressive prep work, plus everyone in my family is a lawyer or works in the legal field (mom is a paralegal); so this is all old hat. I'm not too worried, just want it over with so I can finally apply the last 7 years worth of education to something. I'm starting to feel like I've accomplished nothing but gather degrees after 20 years of school nonstop. Getting out in the real world will be most enjoyable I feel.
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