Since my last shave den photo, I've added 8 razors and two scuttles.
Nice! By the way it looks like your Aqua Velva is getting low.
Looks great - but - whats this...
Looks great - but - whats this...
Nice! What's the razor that all the way in the upper right corner? The blue (turquoise) with the goldtone finish? I likey!
nice. are those custom razor holders or did you buy it from a local retailer? I need something like that for mine
Nice. Why do I have the feeling you have "the star spangled banner" playing in the background?
It's an Eversharp Schick injector type G. All brass with turquoise plastic handle. It was an antique store find this summer. I relegated it to the museum of interesting artifacts section of my collection after obtaining a NOS injector type L. Close up photos attached.