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Exitement in the air!!! AD is hitting me badly

I have placed my order for a 1.5 DB scuttle. What am I going to do for the next 3-4 weeks while Julie is spinning it??

Maybe I will purchase a Rooney 1/1 Super Silvertip??

There needs to be a support group for sufferers of AD as my wife is not very sympathetic to my new hobby.
a word from one whose been there telling her 'at least im not spending all this money on other women' does not go down well. Im not sure why though :S


My elbows leak
Staff member
Either the SWMBO "gets" it, or she doesn't.
If your lucky and she does, she supports you, brings you shaving related goodies, and tells you where she saw stuff on sale.
If your not, no story, statement, or least of all "reasoning" will change her mind, and each attempt to do so will only create more discontent.
Drive onward shaver! Modestly, slowly and incrementally grow your stash without direct conflict.
If she decides to back you, it will be of her own accord.

If she buys a pair of shoes, you get a shaving related product of equal or lesser value. This must be cashed in immediately, and cannot be "saved up" to procure something that costs three pairs of shoes.
luckily I have the supportive type of SWMBO. I used to get a very irritated neck from the fusion and it was her that recommended to check the Internet for different shaving solutions. I found this place and I now have a cupboard full of products. So if I keep the AD to 1-2 things per week I'm safe.
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