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Ever-ready case, anyone know what would have been in it ?

Hey guys, I recently picked up a small lot of razors off ebay, and this case was part of it and I am just curious as to what razor would have populated it ?

Also, are those gem micromatic "for u.s. armed services" blades of any value ?

worst case scenario, they are a nice looking display item :)

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If it helps, there appears to be a blue seal/sticker on the bottom that reads "EVER-READY" around the circle, with "SAFETY RAZOR" in the middle ?
rocketman, that's awfully close, the only difference I see is that one held 24 blades, mine only holds 12, but if it's really a 1905 case, she's pretty minty :)

that's a funky razor, I will have to start keeping an eye out for one now, normally I have a tendency to pass over single edge's if I see a gillette DE on the same shelf.
Yes I see yours has less blades. I think though that you have an early ER case - I'd be willing to bet it is for the same 1905 razor seen in the advert.

i hail from Winnipeg originally. Nice to see the Brandon reference!
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