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Estate Sales

A lot of razors are bought on the cheap at estate sales. How do you guys/other people find out about when and where there is such a sale? Do you have to pay anything to attend or is it like a garage sale? I live in NYC and would be interested in seeing one for myself some time in the future (when I have more free time).

Any ideas?
In the paper under the garage sale classifieds. Like a big garage sale. The biggest difference is usually the whole house full is being sold. Death, retirement home, those are the usual reasons for the estate sale. I've seen some where they were even selling the house at the same time as all the stuff.
I have heard that some of the you-store-it complexes will also hold auctions to recover past due rent. That might be a good resource as well if you can get in on them.
Google "estate buyers" followed by your zip code, and it will lead you to all the companies that specialize in this in your area. Call them up and see when and where they are holding the next sales.

You might try telling them that you are looking for razors and shaving gear, and they will pull it aside for you. But warning, if they know that this is what you want, they will probably put a premium price on everything they find. Of course, you're not obligated to buy it if they price themselves out of the market.

You'll get the cheapest prices by going to auctions and sales in person, but that takes a lot of time and gasoline. And in order to score one particularly desirable razor, you might have to buy the entire contents of the bathroom just to get one piece.

Happy Hunting.
Pay a visit to your local antique and junk stores. Many of them comb estates prior to estate sales - they get called in by relatives. Tell the owner that you're interested in razors and shaving gear and they will start picking it up if they know they have a customer.

Also, consider BST when you go in to buy from them. Even if it isn't something you want, you should pick up any deals and put them up here.
yep just noticed listings on craigslist. might have to look into visiting one or two when I have more time! thanks everyone
I don't know how common this practice is, but in my town all the estate sales are posted in the Thursday Classifieds. Phone the classifieds number of your local paper and ask them when to look for the ads.

Very few estates make it to auction without being picked over by surviving family members. Razors often slip through the cracks, but I suspect a lot of them are thrown out over hygiene concerns (by the auctioneers). The ones that show up are often minty, NIB (new in box) or things that really have some age to them. YMMV

Be prepared to spend most of the day waiting for your lot to come up.

I outfitted most of my house and workshop from estate auctions, but you have to be prepared to draw a blank. There's always plenty of interesting stuff to look at, though.

Get there early and take advantage of the preview.

Happy hunting!
That's just what I need.

Storage fees for someone else's junk.

You would not be paying storage fees, per se, but the auction is a way for the operator of the storage facility to recoupe lost rental revenue.

Well I would suspect there are many people out there that have boxed up their parents items because they have passed or moved into a facility where they cannot take their items and all this stuff is placed into storage.

If it remains 'out-of-sight; out-of-mind' you could stumble on some really fantastic deals, or the flip side "someone else's junk".
I've tried the estate route but it's not really worth just going searching for razors. The estates that do advertise razors want arm&leg for broken ***. The lucky few people who do pickup those gems are there for other items but just happen to have a spare $1 to bid on a misc shoebox of bathroom stuff. It's not worth spending $20 gas driving around HOPING to find something. Would rather just bid on fleebay.
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You're buying the contents of the storage locker, and usually have to remove them right away. There's no storage fees involved.
If you remove the contents right away, there are no storage fees. Depending on how much the locker holds, you might want to pay for a month's rent while you sort things out. You could take what you want, and then abandon the rest for another sucker bidder at the next auction.
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