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Estate Sales: Don't Ask Questions You Don't Want to Know The Answer For.

Took some aluminum cans up to the scrappers this AM and on the way up noticed an estate sale in a very upscale area just north of town but I bypassed it on the way up.
On the way back I stopped in and in looking about one of the ladies running the show asked me about my cap (a Swiss/ WWII German style cap) and she pointed out some military gear for sale.
I told her I was really looking for any old razors or shaving gear and was told someone purchased all the razors they had about half an hour ago.
Of course being a glutton for punishment I just had to ask what they looked like and she said "oh there was one with a black handle(most likely late 60's-70's SS or Super Adjustable), a silver one with a thick handle and a plastic case".
I ask if the case had a roundish lens-like thing molded into the clear lid.
"I'm pretty sure it did (great,a cased Fat Boy) and the other one was another older looking razor with a real nice wooden case." (@*^%#!! I just missed a cased Big Fellow).
Hoping that they at least were asking outside the spare cash I had on me (either that or my inner masochist was going "thank you sir may I have another?") I asked what they had sold for..."I think we asked 2.00 for the black one and 5.00 each for the ones in cases."
So if any of the B&Ber's in the northwest burbs of Chicago heard an anguished scream about 11:45 AM that was just me..
Finding them in the wild is going to become scarce soon.

Not likely.

There are ALWAYS estate sales.
Whoever shows up for my estate sale is going to make an absolute killing on a LOT of hobbies if my wife sells all of my stuff for what I told her I paid for it :biggrin:

Honestly, I'm surprised that all of this old wetshaving gear wasn't simply thrown away in the 70s and 80s. Just like our old Star Wars action figures... few had any clue that they would be worth decent money years down the road.
Gotta' love packrats!
My crystal ball gets a bit hazy at times but I think there are still lots of nice ones out there. Time will tell....
Yeah I get that once in awhile. Walked up to a private sale held by family members once asking for razor and her reply was "I just sold about thirtyof them literally five minute ago. In fact that guy right there (driving away) bought them". I wanted to go James bond jump on the hood and get them. Lol.

Today I went to one knowing the I'd have ZERO chance of finding any BUT walked away with a pair of three shelf foldable solid oak book case for.....$8! They retail for $80-$120. They looked brand new. So it's not always razors.


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90% of my collection is from Estate sales. If you want to get your hands on the razors you have to get to the sale on the day it opens 1 hour early. Most of the razors I get come from the trash cans in the bathrooms or the odd bathroom box that usually is placed out on the patio.
You Scream Like A Girl :001_tongu I thought Some Lady Was Getting Robbed. Then Again Someone did get Robbed. :mad3: "Old Ladies" They gave those Razors Away :eek:/

That Really Sucks Bro, Better Luck Next Time, and next time stop at the Estate First, No more Sad Stories Please :eek:)
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They are out there, I picked up 3 black handled superspeeds, 1 '60's superspeed, 1 '48-'50 superspeed and a tech all for $5 (total) at a yard sale yesterday
I guess all the good deals are in the east metro area. I hit 5 garage sales in my area Friday and the only razor I saw was a beat up Techmatic. However I did get a real nice Slim Adjustable (1962) at an antique shop for only $10.00.
Woodbury city wide garage sale weekend!
I found a decent straight razor and a barber hone there last year

I guess all the good deals are in the east metro area. I hit 5 garage sales in my area Friday and the only razor I saw was a beat up Techmatic. However I did get a real nice Slim Adjustable (1962) at an antique shop for only $10.00.
My crystal ball gets a bit hazy at times but I think there are still lots of nice ones out there. Time will tell....

+1 to that. I've snagged razors and brushes "in the wild." Find 'em where you may, always keeps your eyes on high alert, install Shavdar and enjoy!
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