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estate sale find

I saw this estate sale while driving home from work today. I went in and found a box with 4 straights, 4 barber hones, a strop and a Gillette New Deluxe. there is also a picture of the guy. (George W. Aldridge)


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Nice score!

What are you going to do with the picture? If you don't mind a suggestion, I would frame it and either hang it or give it to a local American Legion Post.
Cool little score. Is that really a pigskin strop, though? I'm interested in hearing how that one works.
Cool little score. Is that really a pigskin strop, though? I'm interested in hearing how that one works.

Pigskin strops are dimpled like that. I had one and did not really notice any difference in edge quality over others. They are interesting looking however!

What a score!!

All that stuff, a pig strop & a photograph of the old owner, I can only dream about a find like that.
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