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English soap wooden bowls ... Do you lather in them? Or ?


The Lather Maestro
I received an older D.R. Harris soap and I lathered it in the bowl for the first couple uses. But the soap never stuck. Now I think you are supposed to take the soap out, load in your hand, then drop the soap back in the bowl. The wooden bowls are only for storage. Am I right?
My soap is stuck in the bowl. As you use it, it will eventually stick in the bowl. I don't use the Marco method, so I just load from the bowl and transfer to face or bowl. Add water... no fuss nor mess. The wooden bowls I imagine are more difficult to use the wet brush technique as there isn't much room on the top, though I'm sure some still figure it out with that method.
I received an older D.R. Harris soap and I lathered it in the bowl for the first couple uses. But the soap never stuck. Now I think you are supposed to take the soap out, load in your hand, then drop the soap back in the bowl. The wooden bowls are only for storage. Am I right?
I load in the bowl, if it spins reverse your loading, that usually seats the puck for me.
I've never removed a puck from the bowl.

Some of you guys want to grate sticks , now you want to remove the puck from the bowl, what's next? Haha
I take the puck in my hand and load that way. I think loading directly in the bowl is one of the main reasons that the bowls crack and warp over time. I'm hoping this method will keep the bowls I do have in pristine shape (my first wooden bowl is pretty rotted out, and I loaded with the soap in the bowl exclusively).


The Lather Maestro
I take the puck in my hand and load that way. I think loading directly in the bowl is one of the main reasons that the bowls crack and warp over time. I'm hoping this method will keep the bowls I do have in pristine shape (my first wooden bowl is pretty rotted out, and I loaded with the soap in the bowl exclusively).

That's what I was thinking. I'm not so much looking for a 'new way' as wondering if many folks already did this.
A bit of water on bottom and then I press the puck down. Seems to stick fine. And I only load soap in the wooden bowl.
I load in the bowl, if it spins reverse your loading, that usually seats the puck for me.
I've never removed a puck from the bowl.

Some of you guys want to grate sticks , now you want to remove the puck from the bowl, what's next? Haha


I take the puck in my hand and load that way. I think loading directly in the bowl is one of the main reasons that the bowls crack and warp over time. I'm hoping this method will keep the bowls I do have in pristine shape (my first wooden bowl is pretty rotted out, and I loaded with the soap in the bowl exclusively).

This wont happen if you leave the lid off (or askew) and let the soap dry between uses.

Taking the soap out is crazy, but whatever floats boats


The Lather Maestro
OK, I get the general consensus is leave it in there! I will.

Never hurts to ask when you don't know. Thanks, gents! I appreciate the replies. I only have one of these things.
I leave the soap in its wooden bowl, and use the wet brush(Marco's) method for loading. So long as you wipe the bowl dry afterwards and leave the soap to dry before placing the lid, there is no problem.
Nope. See the sticky at the top of this subforum. Loading only. Though, as always, do whatever works for you.

I leave the soap in its wooden bowl, and use the wet brush(Marco's) method for loading. So long as you wipe the bowl dry afterwards and leave the soap to dry before placing the lid, there is no problem.

Exactly this.

absolutly yes!!!! Marco give a precious advice
I put the soap in a tin. My first wooden bowl looked nasty after a year of bowl lathering GFT Coconut Oil Soap. I threw it out. I have 4 or 5 soaps in wooden bowls, and I will be getting rid of the bowls after using the soaps.
I leave the soap in its wooden bowl, and use the wet brush(Marco's) method for loading. So long as you wipe the bowl dry afterwards and leave the soap to dry before placing the lid, there is no problem.

Another YMMV

After completely loading my brush, I swipe the remaining luscious, gooey lather with my finger and apply to the top of the brush, rinse the sides of the bowl, and wipe the bowl dry after the shave AND PUT THE TOP ON IMMEDIATELY.

This is with AOS bowls,

Maybe other soaps are afraid of the dark:001_smile
I load in the bowl, and leave it unlidded that day to dry out, then cap it and put it away in the evening
I leave the soap in its wooden bowl, and use the wet brush(Marco's) method for loading. So long as you wipe the bowl dry afterwards and leave the soap to dry before placing the lid, there is no problem.
Same here. I have 2 Harris and a GFT soap in wooden bowls. I load a wet brush with at least 100 swirls from the wooden bowl, then face lather. When I'm done I hold the bowl upside down under running water to clean off the outside, then let it sit for an hour or two before capping and putting it away.
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