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English Raised Flat Bottom NEW LC - Impressions

A very kind friend here on the board was nice enough to send me this razor, so I could compare it to my American NEW LC. Tonight was the first night. I hadn't shaved since Thursday morning, so roughly 60 hours of growth.


English NEW LC with Weber Classic Handle
SuperMax Super Platinum Blade
Cyril Salter Almond Creme (with a bit of Cremo for superlather)
Antique handle with WD Silvertip Fan brush

The Salter and the Cremo really built a nice thick, very slick lather, as it always does. I could tell from the first stroke that the English version presents the blade to the skin differently than the American version. It feels smoother. I was told it would, but I wasn't expecting such a noticeable difference. I tried both a very shallow angle and a very steep angle and each was smoother with the English. I had no nicks or weepers after my first pass. This pass was WTG mostly (north to south)

2nd pass felt equally smooth, although I started to get some weepers along my jawline where I typically get my irritation, and one on my chin, which isn't unusual either...they were minor so I thought nothing of it. When I wiped my face with wet hands before my 3rd pass I noticed the water stung just a bit. This pass was XTG mainly (south to north)

3rd pass is my ATG pass, which is mainly ear to chin along my jawline and just below my jawline and a 45 degree angle from chin to shoulder on my lower neck. I immediately noticed some irritation as I went along my jawline. After my pass on my left side I noticed about 6-7 different weepers pop up. Same along my right side. I felt the same irritation directly underneath my jawline. No weepers though. I finished the rest of my neck without incident. Then I needed to clean up just a few spots....mainly around my chin. Re-lathered and did my cleanup. Another weeper or two on my chin, but nothing unusual or irritating.

A fair amount of sting from my Weleda ASB, which usually doesn't sting much. I'm about a half hour removed from the shave and I still feel a bit of sting along my jawline. However, I really think I can attribute this to the razor blade. I've never shaved with this blade before, but my friend has told me what fine shaves he gets from them, so I wanted to see if they worked for me. A platinum coated blade usually does. Some of my favorite blades are Platinum coated. I'll have to give it another go.

The razor itself is impressive. The blade felt smoother against my skin that it does with my American NEW. That's the first thing you really feel with the American version. Once you adjust your angle it gets much better, but you always know it's there. This was more like shaving with my American SC, but with the efficiency of the LC. I did not have nearly as much cleanup to do and I am BBS in about 85% of my face area, DFS in the rest. So, this razor has loads of potential and I think with a blade that I know works for me, I will get an even better result.

I was supposed to have an English Round Pin NEW being replated and sent to me, but due to an unfortunate accident it was sold to someone else. So, I've got to start my search anew for English NEW's. I think I can already tell that the English versions have a smoother presentation and shave. I'm not sure why. Tomorrow in the good light I am going to compare the two models and see what difference I can see.

I'd like to thank my friend for loaning this razor to me. I have it available to me until January, so I can really spend some with it and get to know how it shaves. More to come as I get more shaves under my belt. Right now the English NEW gets a big thumbs up for it's first shave.
I have the same experience with smoothness using British News - I think they angle the blade downwards a bit more than the US versions. I really like mine with Voskhods for that "Teflon glide."

I'm curious how it shaves with a blade that you're used to.
. So, this razor has loads of potential and I think with a blade that I know works for me, I will get an even better result.

Congrats on finally getting your hands on an English New. If your skin and beard are similar to mine the weepers you got might be from the blade, I get them as well from the Supermax super platinum while I normally do not cut myself much.

The razor itself is impressive. The blade felt smoother against my skin that it does with my American NEW. That's the first thing you really feel with the American version. Once you adjust your angle it gets much better, but you always know it's there. This was more like shaving with my American SC, but with the efficiency of the LC. I did not have nearly as much cleanup to do and I am BBS in about 85% of my face area, DFS in the rest. So, this razor has loads of potential and I think with a blade that I know works for me, I will get an even better result.

I was supposed to have an English Round Pin NEW being replated and sent to me, but due to an unfortunate accident it was sold to someone else. So, I've got to start my search anew for English NEW's. I think I can already tell that the English versions have a smoother presentation and shave. I'm not sure why. Tomorrow in the good light I am going to compare the two models and see what difference I can see.


Thank you for an excellent and detailed review!
As you know, I am a big fan of the raised flat bottom (including the #77 and #81). I agree that the angle is a bit different than the American NEW LC, but the closeness and smoothness of the UK NEW shave is wonderful. I shaved late this morning with a similar set up (UK raised flat bottom with Tradere handle). No weepers, but I did notice a tiny bit of irritation on my right side. Not sure why. My best guess is that my blade angle is not as good when I hold the razor in my right hand (I am left handed).
Blades are highly personal. My favorite blade right now is the Polsilver SI, but it is so sharp that I find that I have to be very careful when I use it. I hope you find a blade that works for you in that UK NEW.
I have the same experience with smoothness using British News - I think they angle the blade downwards a bit more than the US versions. I really like mine with Voskhods for that "Teflon glide."

I'm curious how it shaves with a blade that you're used to.

Your search for NEW's really inspired me and gave me a blueprint of what I wanted to look for, so I thank you for the time you spent and the posts you made on the subject. They have helped me greatly.

Congrats on finally getting your hands on an English New. If your skin and beard are similar to mine the weepers you got might be from the blade, I get them as well from the Supermax super platinum while I normally do not cut myself much.

I think you are exactly right. I always get a few weepers on the underside of my chin, as this is the hardest place for me to get smooth. I usually buff it too much and end up with a few weepers, but some blades are obviously better than others. The Voshkod as mentioned above is such a smooth blade for me, as is the Astra. The GSB and Polisilver SI are smooth as well, but they are very sharp and I have to be more careful.

Thank you for an excellent and detailed review!
As you know, I am a big fan of the raised flat bottom (including the #77 and #81). I agree that the angle is a bit different than the American NEW LC, but the closeness and smoothness of the UK NEW shave is wonderful. I shaved late this morning with a similar set up (UK raised flat bottom with Tradere handle). No weepers, but I did notice a tiny bit of irritation on my right side. Not sure why. My best guess is that my blade angle is not as good when I hold the razor in my right hand (I am left handed).
Blades are highly personal. My favorite blade right now is the Polsilver SI, but it is so sharp that I find that I have to be very careful when I use it. I hope you find a blade that works for you in that UK NEW.

Thanks Doc. I really was so impressed by this razor. I'm at the point now, since I've shaved with enough different razors, that I can almost tell on the first pass or two on my cheek whether the razor is going to work well for me or not. The passes were very smooth and I loved the way the blade felt. It's been 12 hours since I shaved and I still have a very nice DFS shave, with only one small patch on my right cheek that I must not have got all of on my ATG pass. All of the irritation is gone as well.

I can't remember if I mentioned it, but this razor was the most efficient of the NEW's yet. I can NEVER get the area just surrounding my Adam's apple shaved as close as I like, no matter how much cleanup I do. This English NEW got that area as close as I can ever remember, without a bunch of cleanup. Really nice and amazing. I am going to give it another go with the SuperMax and see if I have the same problem with irritation. If I do I will switch to either a Voshkod or an Astra. Then a GSB or a Polisilver SI. I'm really looking forward to using this razor and getting to know it.

This board is full of such amazing people. I am very thankful for all the advice and friendship I have received here. Some amazing kindness has been shown to me and I hope to be able to return it to the community as best I can. I've helped a couple of new people get started with razors and blade samplers, but I hope to be able to do more as time goes on.

Thank you all.
Astra SP's are my go to. My wife loves the GSB's. Jeff why so many weepers? I did 2,passes for the first month and now just starting to do 3 passes. I usually use a steep angle and not after you post I use a shallow angle on my neck problem areas and that has helped a lot.
Well, my chin is my problem area and I have this OCD about getting all the stubble. I can't live with being able to feel any stubble there. I feel like everyone can see it, even though I know it's not true. So, I buff and I j-hook and I buff and I buff. Ultimately I get weepers and it gets irritated. Every day I say "I'm not doing that tomorrow damnit." The next day I always do. I think my medical plan covers counseling.

I used my Weber PH tonight, and I actually got my chin the way I like it with only 2 weepers. No weepers anywhere else and I am BBS about 90% of my face, and I can live with that. I really like how the Weber shaves. It's amazingly efficient for a safety bar.

I am going to shave the rest of the week with the flat bottom English NEW I have on loan. I've found a couple of things with the Weber that I am going to try with the NEW, to see if it works. The problem with weepers is the fault of my technique and my OCD, not the NEW. I am really going to get to know this NEW inside and out. I already know I really like it. I have a feeling I am going to LOVE it.

Anyone else have any opinions on the English NEW's.
Well, my chin is my problem area and I have this OCD about getting all the stubble. I can't live with being able to feel any stubble there. I feel like everyone can see it, even though I know it's not true. So, I buff and I j-hook and I buff and I buff. Ultimately I get weepers and it gets irritated. Every day I say "I'm not doing that tomorrow damnit." The next day I always do. I think my medical plan covers counseling.

I used my Weber PH tonight, and I actually got my chin the way I like it with only 2 weepers. No weepers anywhere else and I am BBS about 90% of my face, and I can live with that. I really like how the Weber shaves. It's amazingly efficient for a safety bar.

I am going to shave the rest of the week with the flat bottom English NEW I have on loan. I've found a couple of things with the Weber that I am going to try with the NEW, to see if it works. The problem with weepers is the fault of my technique and my OCD, not the NEW. I am really going to get to know this NEW inside and out. I already know I really like it. I have a feeling I am going to LOVE it.

Anyone else have any opinions on the English NEW's.

You may end up liking the I pin UK flat bottom razor even more than the raised flat bottom. I have only used my twin I pin a couple times, but I think it might be slightly milder than the raised flat bottom.
Did I hear you say that you have one of those on the way?
You may end up liking the I pin UK flat bottom razor even more than the raised flat bottom. I have only used my twin I pin a couple times, but I think it might be slightly milder than the raised flat bottom.
Did I hear you say that you have one of those on the way?

Yes, I didn't think I did, but it worked out in a strange, roundabout way. I'll tell you the story later. The one I have coming is the round pin version in xillion'x pic. Should be here later this week. I also have a Gillette 7 O'Clock English razor in a case coming this week as well. ETA Friday or Saturday. Additionally, I have a 34' Aristocrat inbound. Should be here today. I will tell you that story later as well.

Thanks to some very generous and kind people here on the board I am going to have the opportunity to try and to own some razors I've wanted for quite some time, and one that I never thought I'd be able to swing. Especially in Rhodium.
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