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Empty Shave Stick Tubes - please help.

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to buy some empty shave stick/deoderant tubes and I'm having a tons of trouble.
I know Mama Bear's does some great ones but it would cost me $17 for 10 tubes but then another $20+ for the shipping and I can't afford that.
I've had a similar problem on the other two places online I've found the tubes, the tubes are cheap enough but shipping its $30 or so).

Ideally I'm looking to buy about 5 - 10 of them and not have to pay more than $2 per tube with minimal shipping costs to Ireland.

Could anyone please help as it seems these things just aren't available this side of the water! I can find tons of tiny lip balm tubes but Id really need something about 2oz in size or so.



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
The other solution is to find a tube of glue that's big enough (or your preference).

I will go look for one after lunch to see how I could start using my shave sticks more efficiently, same problem here...

I've seen others using the tubes of glue. If it works, I'll post the step by step...
I've got a couple of empty QED shave sticks that I could send you if that helps. You would only have to pay shipping. I was going to attempt to make some homemade deodorants and put them in the empty sticks, but I haven't gotten around to it. Let me know if you'd like them.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
The other solution is to find a tube of glue that's big enough (or your preference).

I will go look for one after lunch to see how I could start using my shave sticks more efficiently, same problem here...

I've seen others using the tubes of glue. If it works, I'll post the step by step...

It's strange to quote myself... :bored:

I posted my findings with a glue stick... It's not cheaper in my case but if you can get the glue stick container for free (without stealing it) then I think it's worth it!
I have two empty Mama Bears sticks that I never got around to using. If you would like them I would be happy to send them to you.
Sorry to bring back an old thread but it's exactly what I was looking for. I'd really like to get my hands on the mama bears twist up tubes size in both the larger and smaller sizes. I added them to my cart but it's $20 shipping to the UK does anyone know where I can find them for cheaper to ship to the UK? Thanks Rob
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I read on a forum somewhere that this guy went to the dollar store, or a discount drug store, and got the cheapest deodorant for a couple of dollars. He then scooped it out, cleaned it well, and filled with the soap he wanted. I have been toying with this idea to turn my QCS soaps into sticks.
I got these Twist Up Tubes from Ebay and they work great. There is a little room around the edges of my stick, but not enough to cause trouble. They even came with heat shrink wrap so I could paste my Arko label on them. The link is for 12 of them, but the seller offers other quantities also. Don't know about the shipping.

I wish I'd seen these on eBay before purchasing a few from online vendors. 12 is kind of a lot, even for me though. But I'll keep it in mind for the future.
I read on a forum somewhere that this guy went to the dollar store, or a discount drug store, and got the cheapest deodorant for a couple of dollars. He then scooped it out, cleaned it well, and filled with the soap he wanted. I have been toying with this idea to turn my QCS soaps into sticks.

Or just use and finish some deodorant then repurpose the tube.
Not a bad idea, but I use an alum block. Started using the crystal brand in the mid 90's, and just now order a chunk once a year.

other than brut,there are very few cylinders of deodorant sold in my area,the nicest one was the old spice cylinder,long gone now..
Another thought. Just cut off a piece of soap and use that without a "handle". Did that with a piece of Klar Kabinett and it works well. I keep it in a plastic baggie. Did just make a stick from a glue stick container and Klar Kabinett. Haven't tried it yet, but it took more effort than merely cutting off a small slab. Would guess the process would work with any soap you can slice.
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