I am embarrassed to be writing this post.
Three years shaving with a straight, and nearly that long doing my own honing. Ive brought several blades from butter-knife status to good shavers, and Im now admitting that I didnt know the meaning of sharp.
Last month I finally got around to sanding the rust off that Dubl Duck I picked up last winter. After shaving with it, I realized that it was noticeably sharper than any of my other razors.
For several days now I have worked on the two razors that were my go-to razors, the Dovo tortoiseshell and the Geneva Cutlery 6/8, trying to get the the same kind of edge on them that I have on the Duck. With both razors I went through a routine: Hone, hone, shave... nope, not there yet, try again tomorrow. Its sharp, it shaves as well as it ever did, but it cant match the Duck.
After several days I had to face the fact that those blades were as sharp as my current equipment could make them. Until I come up with something else, I dont want to shave with anything but the Duck.
Whats interesting is that the same hones can make the Dubl Duck sharper.
Whats embarrassing is that I dont think Ive ever used a blade this sharp. I can get a very good shave in two passes and less than 10 minutes. I have never done that before.
My honing setup consists of a DMT 8000, a well-lapped Swaty, and a Tony Miller pasted paddle with 3.0, 1.0, and .5 grits.
Anyone have suggestions on where I need to go from here? Some .25 diamond paste for the plain side of my paddle strop seems like the obvious thing. I am on a budget. Just started a new job after a layoff earlier in the year, so the expensive items are not possible right now.
Three years shaving with a straight, and nearly that long doing my own honing. Ive brought several blades from butter-knife status to good shavers, and Im now admitting that I didnt know the meaning of sharp.
Last month I finally got around to sanding the rust off that Dubl Duck I picked up last winter. After shaving with it, I realized that it was noticeably sharper than any of my other razors.
For several days now I have worked on the two razors that were my go-to razors, the Dovo tortoiseshell and the Geneva Cutlery 6/8, trying to get the the same kind of edge on them that I have on the Duck. With both razors I went through a routine: Hone, hone, shave... nope, not there yet, try again tomorrow. Its sharp, it shaves as well as it ever did, but it cant match the Duck.
After several days I had to face the fact that those blades were as sharp as my current equipment could make them. Until I come up with something else, I dont want to shave with anything but the Duck.
Whats interesting is that the same hones can make the Dubl Duck sharper.
Whats embarrassing is that I dont think Ive ever used a blade this sharp. I can get a very good shave in two passes and less than 10 minutes. I have never done that before.
My honing setup consists of a DMT 8000, a well-lapped Swaty, and a Tony Miller pasted paddle with 3.0, 1.0, and .5 grits.
Anyone have suggestions on where I need to go from here? Some .25 diamond paste for the plain side of my paddle strop seems like the obvious thing. I am on a budget. Just started a new job after a layoff earlier in the year, so the expensive items are not possible right now.