I think I know the one you are talking about, and make sure to check the shipping cost (I am in the USA, and it's showing $29 shipping). You should be able to get a good stone for $40 shipped, I think the Welsh Slates can be had for less. Also, it's not a ceramic hone like the Spyderco Ultra Fine, where it will NEVER need re-lapped/re-finished, it has a slurry stone, so it works like a standard wetstone.
So that's not a slurry stone, but designed to keep it working faster... I guess I was wrong. Would this imply that if you used both sides, that you could keep one side "rough" and let the other glaze over (presumably working slower but finer), and have a two-in-one?I own the Elsass 8k ceramic hone. It is a true Ceramic. It comes with a small stone of the same material, for de-glazing/cleaning. It is not a Wet Stone but is used Dry. Be sure to use the correct side .The wrong side, while smooth, will reveal circular cut patterns, as it gets dirty. Buy It. You will not regret the purchase. Ceramic stones are great wire edge detectors/removers. A wire edge will make a crinkly sound.